ch. 13

158 6 9

I just want to say, how thankful I am for 12k views and 304 votes, I am very happy and proud, seeing my writing journey has come this far. It may not seem a lot, but for me, this is something I never thought I could ever have achieved back in 2022.

For the viewers who put up with my messy grammar and storyline, I sincerely hope you can forgive this stupid boy for the late updates. But, thank you. I was so happy seeing the many people who decided to read this.

Please support me all the way!


"Aaron. I've done everything I could to be someone you can be proud of! But why! Why.. why won't you look at me.." Sobbed a boy as he tried to put on a harsh and cruel facade.

". . ." Aaron remained quiet as he tried to form a coherent sentence, something to comfort the weeping boy. "Look, I am proud, it's just that-"

"Just what!? I'm not good enough? You don't know how damn hard I've trained!" He yelled as he slammed his fist onto the wall.

"I know. I know better than anyone else how strong you are." Aaron says apologetically as he tried to approach the ravenette, to offer a hand.

But the boy promptly slapped it away, glaring up at the older male with some contempt and hate. "Then why won't you acknowledge me!?" He hissed as he pointed at Keith, who flinched. "I heard it. You gave Keith a damn badge."

"Sweetheart, that was because-"

And he was cut off again. "Don't sweetheart me! You damn fuck!" He barked.

"Language!" Aaron exclaimed, his Gempa personality taking over. "Look, I'm sorry that you didn't get a medal. But, it's because Keith has already passed the test." He explained, trying to explain.

"Then why didn't I get a medal? Me and Keith started at the same damn time! Me and him were the best! But why was he favored! Why did you even make me your lover! I hate you!" He exclaimed loudly then his eyes widened upon realization of the words that just came out of his mouth.

Staring at Keith's widened eyes then at Aaron's heartbroken gaze, he turned around and ran away, ignoring the shouting. They kept yelling his name but he kept running.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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