ch. 9

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First class: Quake

What is happening: Quake made the agents group up in their respective core. First team are Tekno agents. Second team are the Inviso agents. Third team are the Neuro agents. Third team are the Kombat agents.

"ZASS GET OFF OF ME!!!" Mika yelled as the speedy boy was on top of her.

"MOON!!" Khai screamed as the clones tackled him to the ground.

"ROZA THAT WAS MY ARM!!" Jet yelled from the sky.

Quake looked at the scene in disappointment. His siblings were looking at the situation with dumb faces.

Analysis: Fail

~Next class~

Second class: Thunder

What is happening: Thunderstorm broke the young agents weapons apart and made them rebuild it. He also spread all the parts on a table and randomized it.

"Bulat! You stole my parts!"



Thunder could feel a head ache forming. His siblings were eating popcorn.

Analysis: Fail

~Next class~

Third class: Cyclone

What is happening: Cyclone would launch arrows at the agents and the agents have to dodge without their weapons.




Cyclone watched with a frozen smile as he hugged his lover with comical tears fall.


The young agents complained and groaned about the hard training classes. Some of them blamed Ali for this since he was the closest to the elements.

They all turned their heads as they saw Ali spoon feeding Aaron who was busy reading files about the young agents. Aaron would pat Ali's head for every each spoon.

Alisha was infront of them and she could be like a third wheel if it wasn't for her lover beside her who was two years older and is young agent in a higher level.

The said agent smirks. "Do you want me to feed you too, Alisha~"

Alisha didn't look up at her lover as she continues to eat. "No thanks, Keith." She said. "But-" she turned her body towards him. "Do you want me to feed you~"

Keith's face heated up as his expression falters.

As he was about to reply the bell rang.

~Next class~

My Agent, My Hero (Boboiboy x Ejen Ali)Where stories live. Discover now