Chapter 6

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My cheeks heated. He saw me checking him out and that too, in front of the whole class. He, one hundred percent saw that, his stupid little smirk was absolute proof of it. I joined university a little late as I had just landed back after a long, fun trip to Sydney. My little brother, Owie, full name Owen Grace, had insisted upon travelling and my mum couldn't say no, because of the way he begged with those large, tear filled eyes and quivering lips.

And so? Taking that six year old with us, we partied all across Sydney, coming back a little late than intended. Yes, three months is a lotttt, but I would do anything for Owie, especially after what Dad did......... I would do anything to make him feel happy.

The class had ended when I picked up my bag and flung it over my shoulder, nerves rising up my own self upon thinking that we both would be in the same corridor now, same floor, same place, just mere feet apart. Probability of us bumping into each other or our shoulder's grazing, by looking at the number of students was approximately around 56%, but still present. And the thought alone made me giddy. I wanted to be close to him, to be able to smell the cologne he wore and just feel the power radiating off of his presence when he was near me. I wanted to just be close to him.

Students started filing out when I turned around and stole a glance his way to see him turn his head immediately. A soft smile played on my lips to realize that he himself was just staring at me and a satisfied smile plastered itself on my face when he too, must have realized that he had gotten caught. Why only me, huh?. I knew boys at Harvard were hot, not all, but many, but he was the first one to make me stop dead in my tracks. I saw some good looking boys on my way to class but he was the first hot one to actually make me stop in my path, and recollect my breathing to start moving again, adjusting my mixed up, messy thoughts.

His voice sent tingles and shivers down my spine when he spoke with Mr. Avery. Deep, dark, heavy and so effing hot that I could feel myself getting weak in the knees. I had only imagined boys with such a defined chest makeable from under his dress shirt, his pants hugging his thighs perfectly, sharp jawline, sharp cheeks, perfect eyebrows, big, wide eyes, full lips which was what got my attention there and then.

I wanted to feel them once before anything else when sensing his gaze on me, I had lifted up my eyes to feel a mini tingle in the deepest pit of my heart to see his eyes already on me. He was beautiful. Very much the beautiful, and I wanted to be friends with him. I wanted to sit with him, talk with him, hold hands with him and just lie on the grass under the night sky with him by my side. Or if we go a bit further, I would love to curl into his embrace while watching shooting stars. Every imagination consisted of him by my side and right now, I had just seen him. Justtt seen him and I was so whipped.

He knew my name, I could feel it dancing over the lining of his heart, waltzing over his lips but I didn't know his. I was wishing to come to uni early tomorrow in time for attendance but it saddened me to see the electronic systems working. I knew I wouldn't be able to get his name this way and the electronic attendance was understandable as manual attendance, and that too of a whole class with more than three hundred students sitting right now? No coffee would have been able to help me stay awake during that torture and pull it off.


I entered home when Owie came barrelling into my arms, crashing hard into my chest when I chuckled as the air left my body. I lifted him up and twirled him around as the air filled with his cackles. His adorable giggles melted my heart when he hugged me tightly and whispered, "I missed you."

I kissed his head and started walking towards the kitchen when I responded, "I missed you too, Owie."

Placing him on one of the seats in front of the dining table, he perked up and asked me, "How was your first day?"

I Still Miss You 💔.  By A.ZChaudhryWhere stories live. Discover now