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"heroes" | DAVID BOWIE
"we can be us,
just for one day"

Cora was really less than enthused to be back at school. Not only did she feel a weight on her shoulders, a skittishness to her, that caused a completely sleepless night, she had to face the woman in pink on her first day back. Totally not cool.

She found herself stuck in the middle of the twins, shoulder to shoulder (a Weasley sandwich per say) as they guided her down the halls to the defence classroom. The whole morning she had been stuck on autopilot, her friends literally and figuratively holding her hand as she glided from class to break to class, sitting and absorbing no information. While Cora knew all of the information her teachers were gifting – she could genuinely pass her final year with flying colours without attending a single class, she still didn't enjoy the mistiness of her morning. Her inability to concentrate sending her on a deeper spiral.

The defence classroom was bursting with energy as Cora took her seat beside Fred. She could hear as her peers caught up, discussed their plans for their final year and placed bets on the teaching ability of their new defence teacher.

She sat blankly, her mind taking her back to her first time in this class. First year Cora, with her petite frame and wide eyes, a sense of wonderment that seventh year Cora envied. She yearned for the naivety of her eleven-year-old self, a version of herself that hadn't been scarred by all that occurred around her.

A hand grabbed hers, sending a shot of warmth straight to her heart. "Stop thinking so loud, everythin's okay." As their green eyes met, she found herself back in the driver's seat for the first time that day. Her mouth upturned slightly into an endearing smile as Fred Weasley looked at her like the morning sun.

With a simple, "Okay." She sat up straight, dropped his hand and prepared herself for the lesson ahead. Finally ready for whatever it may bring.

"Good morning, children." All heads turned behind them as Umbridge strolled out of the office door, clearly trying to make an entrance. With a flick of her wand writing appeared on the chalk board as she continued to address the room. "Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test. Well, commonly known as...NEWTS." Her high pitch screech was threatening to give Cora a headache, her whole spiel feeling quite rehearsed.

"Study hard and you'll be awarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be...severe." Cora eyed her new teacher as she handed out their new textbooks, her eyes tensing as she thought about the implications of it being handed out at school, instead of on the book list like the other subjects.

"Your previous instruction subjects have been disturbingly uneven. But please to know from now on you'll be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of defensive magic." Her worry was confirmed as she read the title - Defence against the Dark Arts, Basics for Beginners.

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now