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here comes the sun | THE BEATLES"little darling, the smiles returning to the faces little darling, it seems like years since it's been here"

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here comes the sun | THE BEATLES
"little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
little darling, it seems like years since
it's been here"

Cora Holloway was really freaking ecstatic to be back at Hogwarts. After spending the train ride alone in a compartment just watching the beautiful Scottish countryside, snapping a few pictures, napping for a few hours and eating a couple of chocolate frogs Cora was officially in a state of tranquil.

That was until she had to ride in a carriage with Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, Cassius Warrington and Nathaniel Radcliffe. See she really didn't mind Cassius Warrington, she played wizard chess with him on the regular (and they were a great pair of chasers!). His friends however really rubbed her the wrong way.

Marcus Flint was barley tolerable. He was quite rude and so pretentious he almost put her mother to shame. His two redeeming qualities was his knack for leadership and quidditch skills. He was the quidditch captain and a remarkable chaser, nearly rivalling her own skill.

Cora had really met no one else like Graham Montague. Somehow he managed to be the most rude but dull person in the entire world. He had no personality, and his only hobby seemed to be bullying first years. It was rather extraordinary how boring he truly was, at least to Cora.

Last and certainly least was Nathaniel Radcliffe, who Cora really didn't want to think about. Let alone fraternize with! The way he could breathe out horrible sentiments and names with a glittering smile made her spine shiver.

"So... how was your summer Cora?" She smiled lightly across the carriage at Cassius, she wished she could lean over, envelope him in a hug and tell him how much he appreciated his presence in the small carriage. But she couldn't, so she crossed one leg over the other and somehow sat up straighter than she already was.

"The weather was a bit hot for my liking. But I spent most of it swimming which was nice...however I visited Christopher often. That was a welcome change. How about you?" Cora was a girl of common courtesy, she really didn't care what Cassius was doing, it was just the thing to do. But she never found out as the boys cut in with interest and venom.

"Your brother?! Wasn't he disowned?" It took all of her might not to turn to Marcus and deck him right in the face. But she wasn't that person (As much as she wished she was). So instead of punching him, she simply turned and gave him as sweet a smile as she could conjure.

"He was actually." Her smile then turned to the most condescending look she hoped Marcus had ever laid his eyes on. "Not that it is any of your business though." In her peripheral she can see Cassius stifling a laugh, but she kept her gaze on Marcus.

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now