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mirrorball | TAYLOR SWIFT"i'm still a believer but i don't know whyi've never been a natural,all i do is try, try, try"

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mirrorball | TAYLOR SWIFT
"i'm still a believer but i don't know why
i've never been a natural,
all i do is try, try, try"

Cora had always been composed. She always knew what to do and say, she spent most of her life being calm. Boarder line senile. But in this moment, she was losing her mind. She didn't know what to do, or how to fix it. She didn't know who to turn to and how to even process what was happening.

So it was just her luck that the hallways were completely deserted by the time she was walking back to the common room. Cedric had tried to have a conversation but she simply walked away as if his words were not reaching her ears.

The silence and soft glow of the moon was calming. So after some deep breaths she could convince herself that for a moment she was okay. She talked herself into the fact everything would be safe, she would be okay. Her skills and talents would carry her through. And maybe she believed that maybe she could win.

But then she entered the snake den.

The chatter turned to silence in a second. The glances were overwhelming and while most students had already gone to bed she felt like a million eyes were on her. All she wanted to do was keep her head high and make it to the stairs without interacting with anyone. Of course Nathaniel freaking Radcliffe had other plans.

She had almost made it, until she heard a slow clap from the last set of chairs before the stairs to the dorms. She turned to see Nathaniel, Marcus and Graham perched, waiting for this exact moment. "Want to be so kind as to tell us all how you fooled the goblet?"

She wanted nothing more in that moment than to sock him right in the face. Well to be fair she wanted to sock him most of the time. "I would love to! But unfortunately I am not too sure either." But she really really really wanted to sock him right then and there.

She knew that everyone in the common room was listening, so when Draco Malfoy, a fourth year, decided to comment she was all but surprised. "That makes no sense? How'd you do it!" With a sigh she turned on her heel to face him.

She clasped her hands together and stared at him dead in the eye. "I didn't." Draco took a couple steps back, she found that he was quite partial to intimidation and well, Cora was intimidating.

She turned back to the group of boys beside her who all had confused looks on their faces. "You must have!" Marcus's voice was loud and certain. As if there was no possible way Cora was telling the truth. She realised they were all looking for some big dramatic plan. One that didn't happen.

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "If you were listening you would know I did not. Do you need me to repeat it again?" She was being snappy, snappier than usual. But all she wanted to do was go up to her dorm. Avoid everyone, and then maybe, just maybe if everyone left her alone, have a nice bath.

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now