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slipping through my fingers | ABBA"sometimes i wish that i couldfreeze the pictureand save it from the funny tricks oftime"

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slipping through my fingers | ABBA
"sometimes i wish that i could
freeze the picture
and save it from the funny tricks of

Cora Holloway was an enigma, that much was certain.  Most people would never ever get to know the girl under the facade. She didn't want them to. She liked to keep those around her on their toes. 

So when she was, tested, in the defence classroom. Disgustingly taken advantage of. She knew that most people would never return. But Cora was different. Cora was an enigma. So she continued to attend the lessons. She sat perfectly, she raised her hands, she kept her reputation perfect. Cora was not normal, and there was no way she was going to let Professor Moody win.

It did not mean that she was not shaken though. Her sleep was riddled with visions of Professor Moody - and her mother. Both taking turns at torturing her. In the classroom, in the Holloway Manor, and in her own bedroom. When she would bolt up in the middle of the night, her forehead sweaty and her breath panting, she would always lock eyes with Vera Kelly, who always seemed to be awake for some reason or another. Her brown doe eyes staring into her soul. She always looked at Cora so quizzically. It made her shiver. 

But the two girls would never dare to utter a word (they never spoke anyway, so why would they speak about their seemingly similar insomnia). Both laying back down and trying to return to their slumber. An unspoken nightly occurrence. 

April 1st was no different. Except it so was. 

She rolled out of bed, bright and early, ready for what was most definitely going to be an eventful day. Despite it being a Monday, her mood wasn't going to be dampened - her favourite boys were turning seventeen!

She had already organised the presents at the previous weeks Hogsmeade visit. For George she had gotten a big box of pranking equipment, with a note inside saying 'Do not use on Cora!'. She had also acquired a hand-book on How To Run a Business 101 along with some sugar quills.

Fred was much harder to shop for, she wanted something that was meaningful but still fun. In the end she had landed on a new bat for him to use in next years' quidditch season. Along with a book about astrology, scribbling a note in the front that read 'For the next time we find ourselves under the stars'. She also 'couldn't stop herself' from buying him a leather bracelet.

She hoped that they liked her presents, but she would have been lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She was still often unsure of how to be a good friend, or just a friend at all and that encompassed gift giving. Vera had never been hard to buy for; something pretty was always enough to suffice. Christopher and Cora had never been interested in exchanging gifts, seeing enough had always been more than enough. So in reality, she had never had this much pressure on a simple birthday present. However, she shook it off as she left her dorm with the presents nicely wrapped in two identical gift bags. The plan was to meet in the Great Hall for an early breakfast and an exchange of gifts.

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now