Fucking idk?

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I genuinely don't even know where to start this. I definitely don't need to go into detail about myself but to give some context:

I'm currently 16 years old in a family of six, two brothers and one older sister.
My life has been so plain that theres literally nothing to tell up to secondary school.

Although I did have the stupidest petty 'beef' with one girl in primary school but it was squashed between us. The girls mam still hates us though after I switched classes to be with this one girlie who I was desperate to be close friends with. That was a whole ordeal but it hasn't really affected my life since it happened. I will point out though that I did actually become close friends with that girl and she is my best friend of 4 years. 

I should probably start at first year maybe? Nothing major happened when I was 13 though. The biggest crisis I faced was when I cut my long hair short out of fear of getting a note for having pink dyed ends (literally so dramatic)
Other than that, first year was seemingly plain. New school and all but I slowly settled, not fucking really. To be completely honest It wasn't perfect. This was the wonderful age when I started to become more anxious. Yay 🤠
I was absolutely terrified to attend my woodwork class and I avoided it because I was really worried about using the big machines. Looking back now it's actually quite funny how scared I was but I will explain why when I actually get to it.

The next big thing that came up in 13 year olds me life was one of my close friends. It's sad to say that I'm even getting bad feelings while writing this but yknow it's kinda important for how my social life turned shit? so I'll include it.

I don't want to go into fine detail but to give context I will. This friend of mine, we'll call her Mary, had always had an odd personality? She was rude and always made fun of people but nobody ever said anything because she was scary. She got herself a boyfriend, he was her neighbour (we will call him paddy) in 6th class (we were 12) and continued to date for awhile until he moved to the good old back roads of a town over from ours. She didn't take it well and was quite upset. Another thing about Mary is that she needed everyones attention 24/7 . no matter what it took. she would fake things and lie just to get a reaction.

So one day she decided to create fake Instagram accounts and pretended it was her ex, Paddy, doing it to idk? be rude or sumin. At the time we were friends so I reported the account and moved on with my life for a whole of an hour before Mary dms me with spam to block the same account. See none of this would've been a problem and I wouldn't have cared if it truly was her ex or not but the problem was, Paddy wasn't just a boy that went to our school or Mary's boyfriend. He was a very close family friend of mine, I literally grew up with that guy and his mam minded my sister while I was being born. Our families have been close and still are. Mary did ruin the friendship me and Paddy had which is sad but life moves on.

Being the naive child I was, I told Mary that I seriously doubted that Paddy would create these accounts and since I knew him, I could vouch. But she took this the wrong way and started texting me saying 'this is Mary's ma, leave it alone"
That shook my to the fucking core. I was Terrified of both Mary's mam, stepdad and dad because they had threaten to kill Paddy before. It scared me so bad that I ran sobbing to my mam who explained it to Paddys mam. They sorted it in the end and all I can say is, Paddy never made any accounts.
Most people would've probably gotten over it within a few days but nope! not me. First day back to school since it happened, mary ignored me.

Then became the section in my life that I would like to title hell.
I was in art class, designing something I was making as pur when i heard Mary speaking about the whole situation with another guy in our year, someone very popular and liked by everyone. I got Terrified hearing her speak about it and had to call home sick which was another fucking ordeal because of school rules. The only reason I got out was because of this lovely german teacher seeing me break down in fucking tears when they wouldn't let me leave.

Being 16 (17*)(18**) is so much fun 🥱🙄Where stories live. Discover now