What the fuck is up 2023

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Since my last post, things have changed. Do I still hate myself? yes, does that matter? Nope! Came to the realization that being 17 is so fucking cool and I want to be this age forever. Not only because I finally feel mature and older but it also just sounds cool. 

Got really sick of not having anyone to speak to about things since I stopped chatting with my comfort friend who I used to speak with, so I wanted to post a comment on a subreddit. Never used it in my life before so I think I did it wrong because my post just never got approved bahaha. 

Fucking slayed my exams at Christmas. Got 4 essays done on the same day and finished early. Everyone was hyping my lame ass up for being capable of writing so fast. I felt cool even though I didn't really need to be told that. As you can tell, I've half emerged from my little sad bitch era which will eventually come back but for now, I will enjoy her being gone. 

Got the Barca trip in a few months and suddenly I'm so hyped for it. Can't wait to go exist in the sun and have fun even if lucy ruins my time. She did just tell me last week that it would be better if I was depressed on the trip but Y'know, she still expects me to put up with her shit. FUCK YOU LUCY. 

Girl has got some real issues for doing that but truly it isn't my problem and I have stopped caring for that woman. I have dinner with my friend in 40 minutes yet I'm here aggressively typing to get me in the mood to pretend I enjoy eating, yay.  Lucy, thankfully, isn't going today for some lame-ass reason that she made up to seem emo or whatever. wow, ib sound like a bitch! I never believe Lucy about things like having anxiety as when she speaks about her feel they are a direct copy of something I have already told her. I mean, maybe it is how she is feeling but it seems less credible when her story is so similar to mine. personally, I believe it is unfair to not only steal someone else's story but then say I wish you were depressed on this fun trip, or compare her worries to mine. It's never okay to compare someone's anxiety. For years I've dealt with panic attacks and etc so for Lucy to come along and steal my worries and ignore the fact that it is a serious issue for me is so bothersome. 

anyway, happy new year motherfuckers. don't bother with those resolutions cause we both know they ain't happening. 

As always, I hate you all x

Being 16 (17*)(18**) is so much fun 🥱🙄Where stories live. Discover now