I'm feeling better after my tantrum the other day over my ex best friend. It's 0.43 on Monday 1st January 2024.
It's the new year.
I didn't think this would come so fast but I always say that when it arrives.

I'm looking forward to this year, feeling hopeful of what it will bring to my life.

All I ask of myself for this year is to focus on me. Don't worry about things that drain me and in the long run, or even a couple of weeks, won't matter to me anymore.
Don't get bogged down with school work or the stress of life that's hitting me fast.
I hope for a positive mindset and relationship with all my close friends.

I hope my final exams go the way I want them too, and if they don't, well that's okay too.
I hope my college course in September is all I could ever have asked for and I hope I make new friends so I'm not so lonely.

2024 will hopefully be my year. I want to feel happier and healthier. I want to feel loved and love others, including myself.

I hope the future me will read this and remind herself that all I want is simply things for this year. A reminder to stay positive, stay happy, stay living, it's always going to be worth it. And if the whole world turns against you or even upside-down, I'll always love her, with all my heart.

Love you always,

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