Trios really don't work

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The friendship I have between my two best friends is a very long random story but let's start when we were 12.
Being girls, we naturally had play dates when we were younger and had always been friends but you were literally friends with everyone at that age in primary.
This was the year that I started having problems with that other girl I mentioned at the very start of this. The little petty stuff which really could've been called bullying but whatever.

Lucy is a very familiar person in this story so we shall start with her. Lucy and I were in the same year but not the same class. We only knew eachother because our families did and her older brother was good friends with my sister.
I think we were like 8 when classes got split and I joined her. We became friends from then on and all was dandy until 5th class, when we were 11.
Suddenly I started to become annoyed by her and would complain to my mam about every little thing she did. It was the smallest things but I just couldn't stand her. I drifted to other people but she still followed. It carried on and I just had to deal with her.

Secondary school came round and I was put into a class with none of my friends which is quite funny because some of my closest friends, including jerry, were in my original class but I just didn't know them yet. But I switched classes to be with this other girl, my other best friend, and Lucy just also happened to be there. From that moment we were then considered to be a trio. That's what we were know as and we were never seperate.

Now the other half of the trio, I barely mentioned her earlier but I called her Angel. If that name isn't spot on to describe her then I don't know what is. Angel had always been a very lovely and funny girl since I switched into her and Lucys class at whatever age. In that class there was probably 5 of us that constantly went to eachothers houses and we were just a gaggle of girls, not that I particularly liked all of them that much. That group slowly disband as one of those girls was actually the one I didn't get along with. Come 6th class me and Angel were barely friends but still spoke because as I said, you were friends with everyone.

Angel was in a different group while I was stuck with Lucy and a few others. See we played running games while Angel's group preferred to just sit down. I wished I was in that group and slowly worked my way in by making friends with a few of them. That summer I finally got closer with Angel and we hung out with a small group. Like I had mentioned, first year came around and i switched classes and what not.

Angel and I have always gotten along really well and shes always been one of the greatest people I've ever met. Of course we've both changed quite a lot and looking back on it it's crazy to realize that we've been through so much together. Whenever it's mentioned I always say Angel and I have been friends for yearssss because technically we were but we weren't best friends until secondary school.

We don't have the same personality but we just stuck together. Of course, Lucy was also involved with said sticking together but we got over the fact that neither of us liked her at first.

Angel was my smartest friend but not in the academic way. She was so wise and knowing of the world and it really amazed me because I was always simple minded and I only ever cared about being friends with people and being cool. That's so lame bahah.

Angel came out as gay in 6th but sadly didnt get to tell me as another one of my friends at the time spilt the secret. This friend had a very sour reaction where on the other hand I didn't care at all. I do remember there was a time when I would lowkey boast about having a gay best friend which looking back was so funny, poor little me.

Being 16 (17*)(18**) is so much fun 🥱🙄Where stories live. Discover now