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I thought it would be best to reintroduce this thing with my seemingly more mature sense of writing.

The first chapter, or two, are scrambled and simply just me spitting out all the 'dramatic' things in my life.

I thought I would clarify that I'm 17 and an idiot that truly has no brain in my head. I'll say and do weird things and when I look back I want to cringe and change them as quickly as I can but sometimes it's best to live with it. It shows a sense of growth, or at least that's what I convince myself. 

Just a quick note that the beginning of this thing is terrible and I highly recommend skipping the first, or second or even third, "chapter" to avoid the 16 year old shitty writing.

I may be the same person I was when I wrote them and maybe right now I'm just in that time again when I need to be alone and every little thing that comes to me is with a bitter afterthought. The Lord really knows, but I'm sure things will be okay. Or I guess maybe not.
It's a weird one alright .but nonetheless I enjoy writing it. Even if I'm just talking to an empty void.

Being 16 (17*)(18**) is so much fun 🥱🙄Where stories live. Discover now