Answer Me

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You have no idea how long it had been.

Maybe a few minutes? An hour? However long that was, it was all spent on sheer regret. You regretted everything that had happened to Jason. Jason, of all people. People resented him, since he wasn't the original Robin. He, to them, was a total rip off.

Maybe it was Joker's fault. Maybe it was yours. Maybe it was Bruce's. But none of it belonged to Jason.

"I'm sorry!" You yelled to the sky, ignoring all the usual city commotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there! I'm sorry I sprained my ankle! I'm sorry I didn't stop him!" You know looked down at your bloody knuckles, which constantly hit the concrete as you screamed.

"Say something, Jay." You whispered. "Don't let me give up on you."

"Damn, girl," a familiar voice emitted from your darkness. "Who's the one insane now?"

You turned quickly to find just who you needed.

"Idiot." You whispered. "Idiot. Idiot. IDIOT!"

"Um, [Y/--" the red hooded man tried to say your name, but you grabbed him and hugged him tightly, tears pouring out of your eyes.

"You idiot!" You sai. "Leave me for five years again and you're DEAD"

"Still feisty, I see," he chuckled, a smile clearly in his voice.

"And take off the damn hood!"

He seemed shocked at your sudden cursing, but relaxed and pressed a button at the side of his head. Machines whirred as he removed the helmet to reveal the person you've waited for for five long years.

"Jason." You whispered again, though it was very happy.

"It's good to be back." Jason smiled, a hand on your cheek, looking at every inch of your beautiful [s/c] face, your [e/c] eyes. Everything about you was perfect.

You began to tear up again, feeling his ever so familiar touch. Gasping, you put your hand over his, sobbing.

"Jason Peter Todd!" You wailed, a hand already on your own face, covering your mouth. "Why on earth did you leave me? Why did you not come back right away? Why--"

You were about to throw all those questions that kept you up all night, all those years, and throw it out into the world, when Jason finally answered them with a smash on the lips. Your eyes widened, but as you realized that your questions HAVE been answered, you relaxed and became satisfied.

He pulled away as he smirked at you, green eyes shiny as ever.

"You can shut up now."

{A/N: Now, now... The story is not over... OBVIOUSLY!!! There WILL be a twist, I promise!!!}

Jason Todd x Reader: The Different KindWhere stories live. Discover now