Forever and Always

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Right then, Jason couldn't handle it.

Jason was a tough guy. No denying that. But as of right now, he wasn't himself. Psh! Tough guys don't cry!

But then again...

Tough guys have weaknesses. His weakness was her.

"Jason." She said to Jason, smiling up at him, shining [color] orbs gazing upon his.

At that point he couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed [Name]'s shoulders and hugged her. It was nice and tight, just as the both of you'd imagined it. Hesitantly, she hugged him back, at once knowing it was really him. A feeling in Jason's gut told him not to let go. He felt as if she might just disappear into the flock of birds moving south, unreal.

They eventually pulled away.

But there she stood.

She was obviously older now. When Jason hugged her, he forgot he missed five years of his life, a normal one, at best. Her hair was tied up {or you could go with whatever hairstyle you like}, as she wore a long-sleeved shirt under a sleeveless hoodie. Her leggings were just plain black, and overall? She seemed as if she hadn't changed.

But [Name] did.

Jason saw something in her eyes. They seemed to have aged. A lot. She's seen a lot, too. She obviously saw the explosion. What if she caught up, seeing his bloodied corpse in the rubble? [Name] couldn't handle that. At least, not the [Name] he knew.

Her eyes didn't sparkle anymore, either. That scared Jason. They simply shined with a glare of an unknown source of light, though Jason could easily theorize where the light originated.

Nonetheless, Jason shouldn't be the one pondering reality. If anything, [Name] should be thinking about how possible it is that Jason was right in front of her. The Jason that died. The Jason that abandoned her.

"I know, I'm a jerk..." Jason rubbed his head, eyes focused on the ground.

She held his cheek. "No, Jay. You're not."

"But I left you!" Jason cried. "I could've not driven away! I could've made you stay safely with Bruce! I was so selfish, [Name]. I just wanted you, but you NEEDED me! And what did I do? I DI--"


The feeling was soft.

The [color] lips pressed upon Jason's were soft. Warm comforting.

She was always there for Jason.

And Jason just told her to leave him.

As they slowly pulled away, Jason kissed her forehead.

"I promise I'm going to be here with you from now on, [Name]. Forever and always."

I don't know how to feel about this chapter..

Like yeah, Jason's POV is in this. Woo Hoo! But still, I'm a tad unsatisfied with the work and the idea itself....

But here's the update you asked for ^_^


Jason Todd x Reader: The Different KindWhere stories live. Discover now