Awkward Illusion

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After breakfast, you decided to leave. Dick gave you a brotherly kiss on the cheek as you left, and you were happy. You hadn't been ever since Jason left. Dick kind of brought him back to you, in a sense.

But still. What if Jason really came back? How would you decipher what was real and what was illusion? You sure weren't able to do that only a night ago. What more if it were now?

You sighed as you entered a grocery store. A part of the breakfast conversation you had with Dick reminded you to stock up on the pantry.

"Okay, eggs, cake mix..." You murmured to yourself.

You felt a glance upon you and you swiftly turned around to reveal a hooded guy grabbing a box of Drumsticks (the ice cream). He wasn't looking at you, so you supposed you just felt his presence. You began humming to yourself as you grabbed five boxes of mini Poptarts and walked to the cashier.

"That would be $15.55." The blonde smile warmly.

"Okay!" You said quietly, smiling back. You handed her a twenty and she dug through the machine for coins.

"Say..." She said as she handed you the money. "Didn't you just recently leave Gotham Academy?"

"I left after my junior year..." You shifted uncomfortably. Who was she?

"Oh so you're [Full Name], right?" She asked excitedly. You nodded.

"Aww this is too good! How's it like in the Bat Cave?"

Your head jerked up in surprise at the girl in front of you. "B-Bat Cave?"

She leaned over the table to whisper in your ear.

"Ringmaster, remember when I tied you up, but I cut you some slack and didn't put you in jail 'cause it was Harley's fault?"


"Shhhh!" She put a finger to her mouth. "Yeah that's me. And Batman told me about you."

"I reckon he told you nothing about Robin." You smirked.

Spoiler blushed. "For you, I out two and two together. For Robin...not quite yet."

"I'd love to tell you." You said bagging your groceries. "But I hooked up with Bats again. We're sort of working together. Couldn't do it even if I wasn't in contact with him."

"True." Spoiler shrugged.

"Well.." You said awkwardly. "Let's start this over. "I'm [First Name] [Last Name]."

Spoiler smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Stephanie Brown."


After that unbelievably awkward meeting, you came across one of the most crowded streets in Gotham. The worst part is this was the route to your house. You glanced into an alley. Not much has changed since that night.

"He's still alive." You said to yourself. "That dagger is proof. "

"Um Miss?" A voice asked from behind you. You turned to find the shady ice cream guy.

"Ah...uhm...hi?" You waved awkwardly.

The guy chuckled. "You left this back at the store." He handed you the bag full of Poptarts. You immediately grabbed them and hugged the guy.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" You jumped. Realizing what you'd done, you stepped back a little. "Sorry... I just... LOVE Poptarts."

"I know."

"Wait..." You tried sneaking a peek of how his face looked like under his hood. "Who're you?"

As fast as you grabbed the grocery bag, he hid his face. "That doesn't matter. What matters is that you shouldn't go after the guy you're looking for."

Being in the Bat Family (or in general, being you), you were amusingly used to this. "I can't." You simply said. "I know Ja--Former Robin's out there. I do. And nothing can change the fact I'm going to find him."

"I know who he is." The guy said, teeth clenched. "Now, you listen, Little Lady. Jason wants you to not go alone as a civilian at night, to drop the criminal act, and possibly move out of Gotham. Don't ask why, just do it."

Little Lady.

Slowly, you walked over to the guy. He was confused, but your plan was clear when you touched his hood. He wanted to jerk back, but just like before, one touch from you and he was putty in your hands.

You gaze up to a set of gleaming green eyes, staring down at you. You teared up and cupped his face.

"I knew it." You told Jason. "I knew you came back."


So, as you guys can obviously see, I wrote about Steph Brown.


Anyway, I had to do some special research for this, and I have to thank someone. That someone is Faust from the YouTube channel ItsSuperEffective! Subscribe to him!!!

I'd also love to thank you guys for nagging me to the point of inspiration ^_^
(Trust me. That's a thing)

I forgot who else I had to thank (other than God...thanks man <3) but I'm sure I had to tell you about my new updates's just a Reena dump out there.

Okay, my lil' rainclouds...that's 'nuff for today ;)


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