Tour *LEMON*

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Jason convinced you to move to his apartment, which was surprisingly spacious, and not as trashy as you though it'd be. When you complimented it, he mockingly threw a hand over his chest, "offended" that you thought he wouldn't be able to handle himself, though admitted that the money was a loan.

Nonetheless, Jason had enough to take you out for the day. Shortly after you dropped your ice cream off at your house, you packed up a little, ate out, and spent some of the day together at a nearby park. When it got darker, though, Jason had the bright idea of hitting a bar.

There was nothing wrong with the bar. The bar actually was the perfect ending to a perfect day...

And the perfect beginning to a perfect night.


"Jay, you're wasted," you stated bluntly, as Jason was latched onto you, hugging you from behind. You'd just gotten home after going to the bar, Jason being the one to take mass bottles of beer and you, being the one who took only a few shots. It still took a while for alcohol to really kick in, and when it did, you held it well, thus proving you to be the suggestive driver.

As soon as you'd arrived at Jason's apartment, he gave you quite the tour. Now, as you were about to leave, he was hugging you from behind, head resting on your shoulder, begging you to stay.

"Give me one good reason you should go," Jason told you between hiccups and slurs.

"I have ice cream waiting at home for me," you smirked, waiting for his response.

"I'm delicious too, _____," he whined, burying his face further into your neck. "And anyway, babe, I still need to give you a tour."

You chuckled, now leaning against Jason, wanting to keep this conversation going. "You already gave me a tour, silly."

"True," Jason huffed, frustrated. Silence filled the air between you both, though you knew nothing of Jason's devious smirk or his brilliant plan. You gasped as he slid his right hand to the front of your leggings, sticking in a finger between folds, rubbing it in.

"You haven't checked the basement, though," he whispered huskily into your ear before nibbling at your neck, his hand, still consistent.

"J-a-a-ss," you tried to say his name, not being able to speak.

He suddenly stopped, which greatly displeased you. Turning to him, he saw how red you were, and you saw the smirk that's been plastered onto his gorgeous face for so long.

"Now," his arms snaked around your waist. "If you don't stay here tonight, you don't get to see what's down there. And you'll miss out on all the fun."

"But if you stay here, babe," Jason's hand lightly brushed over your butt, "we can have as much fun as you want."

Not being able to take it anymore, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Without the need of anyone biting lips, you both were engaged in an intense oral battle of dominance, Jason now pushing you against the wall. You gasped, leaving Jason open to completely excavate your mouth with his tongue, claiming the dark walls as his. Being blinded by pleasure, you didn't notice how you were both practically pushing each other to Jason's room.

As soon as you'd gotten into the room, Jason closed and locked the door, still full on making out with you.

He then pushed you onto the bed, giving you a little bounce. He leaned on top of you, attacking your neck once again, but this time, he'd gotten your sweet spot. At first it was a kiss, then he bit harder and harder until he left a big red mark on your _____ skin. While he was at this, he was unbuttoning your shirt, revealing a white lace bra.

Jason Todd x Reader: The Different KindWhere stories live. Discover now