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So, guys, as you may know, I wrote a lemon.

Yep. A lemon.

And I hate it.

It isn't that I don't appreciate lemons... I do ;)

But it's just the fact that I cringe at the sight of it. But since y'all are loving the story so much, I'm leaving the decision to you ^_^

So whadda ya think? Delete the Lemon, revise it, and change the beginning of Newsflash? Or no?

(Also, I want all of your requests for fictional characters to do reader inserts on please <3)


So. It came out.

That damn lemon came out.

Y'all can see it if you want.

Or you could totally check out this new Hetalia fic I wrote.

It's Conquistador!Spain X Reader, for all the Toni lovers out there ;3

Anyway, it's four in the morning while I'm writing this, so I should really get to sleep...


~King Dami

Jason Todd x Reader: The Different KindWhere stories live. Discover now