What a Show

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You rubbed your head,groaning, stunned by the ray of sunlight peeking under your eyelid. "What happened? Where am I?"

"Morning, [Y/N/N] {Your Nickname}!" A familiar voice perked up around one of the walls of the room...or perhaps the door.

"D--Dickie-Bird?" You whined.

"Hey!" He frowned. "I don't like that name!"

"But I do~"You teased, though tiredly. "Anyway, why am I here? Last thing I remember... I was with--"

"And last thing I remember.." Dick stated. "You were yelling at NOTHING, then falling in love with NOTHING...did you find Jack Frost or Peter Pan without me? Or are you just hallucinating?"

"For starters.." You explained. "You know very well I believe in Frosty and Peter." Dick laughed, seeing you pouty as ever. "And second... I actually saw Jason, Dick."

Now, we have no idea whether "Dick" was used as an insult or his actual name, but let's just keep this rated PG-13.

Dick's smile faded away as you mentioned Jason. "Stop joking about him [Y/N]." Dick said calmly, though it was obvious that he internally fumed with sheer anger.

"I'm not." You replied, confident you weren't lying."

A moment of silence filled the air as Dick looked into your eyes, searching for any sign of lies.

"[Y/N/N]?," Dick asked, concerned. "How long were you out there?"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you left Bruce. I know what you've become, Ringmaster Quinn."

You froze, unable to speak. Ringmaster Quinn? You only worked behind the scenes, hacking only to see what happened in Gotham city, only to see Jason.

Until that night.

It was one fateful night, two years ago, three years in the streets, in that  abandoned house. Harley got you, and needed your help. Joker  went berserk... As if he wasn't already. Nonetheless, he was being as abusive as ever. You had to help her; she was one of your oldest friends.

Together, you earned revenge from the Joker...but the gig didn't end there. Harley convinced you to join the Sirens, even just to "Hack from the Back". Eventually, you started working for the rest of the Sirens, Ivy and Selina... Then you worked for all the villains.

You controlled the fight. You knew what happened. You ran the show. You were Harley's new Partner in Crime. You were Ringmaster Quinn.

"I've put that behind me, Dick." You replied to the man presently in front of you bitterly. "Some of the villains came to be VERY manipulative, so I ditched the act. Harley understood."

"What you should've done is put her back in jail." Dick folded his arms, scoffing.

"I know." You choked out, barely audible. "She helped me get over Jason's death...barely."

"I thought [FAVORITE BAND] helped you." Dick laughed a litte, rubbing your back. "Look, I'm okay with you. It's fine. You were going through grief."

"Thanks...Dick" You laughed, pushing him a little. "I really needed that."


Ugh, I've been waiting to update that ish! I hope you like it! Sorry for the crappy vigilante name ^^*

So, tell me whatcha think in the comments! Bye lovelies~



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