Republic ONI project

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here are a few project ONI are working on or have

1st is project Orion aka Spartan program

 The SPARTAN Programs are a series of Republic projects designed to create generations of physically, genetically, technologically, and mentally superior "supersoldiers" as a special fighting force within the Grand army of the Republic

the project start out long a go during the high republic era back when it was called the Orion project as the project was named after the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, which itself was named after a hunter in Greek mythology. The aim of the ORION project was to increase the effectiveness of the mandaloiran Military back int he day but the project failed due to poor results and lack of funds and the five test subjects were reintegrated into active duty, but would die within the year from undisclosed causes

it was later relaunched just after the battle of naboo and death of maul and Qui-Gon Jinn along with the Republic reduced effectiveness of small special forces combating the insurrectionists became a serious concern for the republic with the hutts and pirates lose and as attacks became more effective but start to go down thanks to the help of the jedi but the Project now renamed The SPARTAN-II project was conceived by Dr. Catherine Halsey of ONI's Section 3 as the successor to the original ORION project and the best possible solution to end the conflict with the Insurrectionists and stop any future attacks

the project was reboot and began again in 31 bby although viewed as unethical and marred by controversy since all candidates of the project are kidnapped children aka Mandalorian children taken form a few clans as iver the last of there clans or those who are a part of ONI who is then put through force augmentations and Agoge-style training program, the program produced excellent results - SPARTAN-II soldiers proved to be the most effective weapon and this would aid the Republic when the Clone war starts as they were outfitted with the most advanced mechanized armor in human history to better defend against the alien menace aka the droid army as this all start at the start of the clone war when Spartan II mostly blue team led the attack to rescue jedi  during the First Battle of Geonosis 

Spearheaded by a prominent opposition to Halsey's SPARTAN-II program, Colonel James Ackerson, who established the SPARTAN-III Program using the previous program as a proof of concept. Designed to be produced more quickly, at a lower cost, and with a lower life expectancy, the SPARTAN-III program was intended for extremely high risk operations conducted at the highest level of secrecy. The SPARTAN-III candidates were once again children, this time orphans who had lost their homes and families due to Covenant invasions. The S-III candidates were taken to the planet Onyx and were placed under the leadership of Lieutenant Commander Kurt Ambrose. and laster Doctor Halsey  and like SPARTAN-II they were deployed at the First Battle of Geonosis

threw out the clone war the spartans help commandos and other units threw out the war as some even remain with battalions  and fleets as a part of a regiment some of the time

ONI along with the Project it self was led by Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey and Grand admiral/ fleet admiral Lord Terrence Hood of clan hood 

key Spartan teams that were seen during First Battle of Geonosis and threw out the war were Spartan blue team led by John 117 who also some time led Sliver team witch were SPARTAN-II , Spartan Red Team led by Jerome-092 witch was a SPARTAN-II team, Noble Team led by Carter-A259 witch was a SPARTAN-III team

key not was during the years before the clone wars from 25bby to 22bby the spartans went on bounty hunter missions under cover to train and test there skill back before they got there Spartan amour as they did not get there spartan amour until 23bby and 22bby

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