worlds end harem sci fi vehicles

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here the ship the small crew be on it is called Spacehawk


Spacehawk is the first line of defense of a small group called the Terrahawks as the terrahawks organisation was aearth defence squadron witch was a elite task force that protects Earth from alien invasion and work in the shadow for many yaers until earth made space flight and when man kind start to explore the starts the Terrahawks ships were given to earth and it gear load on to Spacehawk for a 10 year mission to explore the starts

  At 16 hundred feet (533.3 meters) in length, the ship hosts a crew of 100 zeroids (50 on each side) to provide maximum firepower. These zeroids are kept in line by Space Sergeant 101, whom they are programmed to obey without question. The rest of Spacehawk's complement includes Treehawk., Hawklet and the MEV. Spacehawk can leave Earth orbit and travel to any planet in the Solar System within a day. Spacehawk is described as having artificial gravity, which allows for prolonged occupation by humans

it has a Advanced orbital Warning and defence station and has other weapon from laser cannon and missile to the Zeroid laser sights Laser cannon

it has a Advanced orbital Warning and defence station and has  other weapon from laser cannon and missile to the Zeroid laser sights Laser cannon

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ships on board

MEV  ( there are 2 of them on spacehawk)

the mev a small   ship that can land on the planet and hover around like a  hover craft and take sample or fire it rocket cannon to protect it self

it act as a transport ship as well

it act as a transport ship as well

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hawklet  ( there are 2 of them on spacehawk)

it act a transport ship going ship to ship or ship to planet 

it has a rocket launcher attach to protect it self with

it has a rocket launcher attach to protect it self with

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