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As Kira walked home, he thought about two things.

The first was the Monk. He has been on Earth as a living, breathing, human for nearly 48 hours, and she still hadn't even made contact. He was beginning to think she may have forgotten about him, but would that really be so bad? He had actually enjoyed his first day as a student, excluding all of the chaos that happened at lunch of course, but something about the routine just sat right with him. Perhaps the Monk was just too busy to send someone to retrieve him, she was always talking about how thin her Spirits were stretched across the world. Until that day came, he would just have to make do. He wondered if the apartment was still available.

The second thing that crossed his mind was the cookies from Marinette's lunch. He wasn't just casually thinking about baked goods, but when he saw a French bakery with multiple assortments of cakes and treats he couldn't help but go inside. He browsed, looking at the elegant pastries stacked beside each other. Of course, he wasn't especially interested in any of them, he was just trying to find the cookies, or macaroons, as he was pretty sure they were called.

It was only after a moment of searching he noticed what appeared to be a chef watching him. The man was enormous, with gigantic muscular arms and fingers as big as Kira's neck. This made him uncomfortable, so he shoved his head deeper in-between the brightly colored cookies.

Then he found it. The macaroon section. He quickly read over the vastly different flavors, many of them meaning nothing to him as far as tastes went, and finally decided on a single peanut butter and chocolate one.

He paid, money he had taken out of Chloe's wallet when she threatened him, the man thanked him, and he began to leave the store. On his way out, he passed a donation box that had two ridiculously dressed teens as cardboard cutouts that served to guilt you into
sparing some loose change.

He looked closer, and realized they were dressed very similarly, too obviously named for his tastes, to the superhero pair he had heard so much about. The boy was decked out in black spandex or rubber of some kind, accompanied by a tail that just seemed to be part of his belt, two ears that were attached to nothing, and a mask. The girl simply had on a skintight suit with a ladybug pattern printed onto it, her mask matching the black polka dots.

He dropped a few coins in, and left. On his way out, he bumped into another would be customer of the sweets shop. He moved to pass her, and then he realized who it was.


"Marinette!" The big man exclaimed, "Home so early?"

Kira couldn't believe it. This could not be happening.

She laughed, "Yeah dad, there was an Akuma attack and-"

"A what? Darling are you ok? Did you get hurt?" The man's strong build didn't hide the fact he was obviously a big softie, and most likely this girls father. Strange, they barely looked alike in any aspect.

Marinette just smiled and looked at the ground, "I'm fine dad, Ladybug and Cat Noir took care of it like always."

Kira was getting tired of those names, he turned to leave, but Marinette grabbed his hand, and pulled him inside.

"Dad, this is Kira. He was hurt when the villain attacked but he's all better now!"

Kira was flustered, he wasn't much for social interaction, especially not whenever he hadn't had time to prepare appropriate responses and small talk options.

Another woman walked in from the back, and Kira started to see the family resemblance. This one had Marinette's eyes and hair, so she must have gotten... something from her dad.

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