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Kira's phone buzzed, waking him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and groped for his phone somewhere on the desk beside his bed.

Finally finding it, he winced, turned the brightness down, and read the message from an unknown number that lit up his screen.

Hey Kira! This is Adrien, my dad said I could have some guys over for the night, I thought I'd invite you, just let me know!

Kira rubbed his eyes again, though this time it was more of a wince. He slowly pulled himself out of bed, and downstairs to the café area. Marinette was already wake, naturally. She pulled a plate of steaming macaroons out of an oven, and smelled the aroma longingly.

She finally saw him, and with the unexpectedness of his arrival, somehow managed to throw the entire tray into the air. Kira would have normally simply watched them fall to the ground, but today there was something... different.

Drawing Killer Queen, he grabbed every small cookie and gently placed them back on the metal tray in a split second. Pulling herself from the ground, Marinette looked at the macaroons that were miraculously unharmed, placed perfectly on the tray, as if she hadn't fallen at all.

"Oh... that was lucky." She said in disbelief. "I suppose." Kira answered. It was very convenient for him that no one else could see his Stand, the easy use of the power was a huge advantage in his everyday life.

Moving to the sink, Kira began on the dishes. Raising a knife, he checked for any smudges or spots. Washing the dishes was his morning chore on weekends, and unlike Marinette, he loved the meticulous process of making sure every piece of metal was absolutely clean.

This time, it wasn't a stain on the knife, but a reflection. At first Kira assumed it was Marinette, but the shining silver showed someone else in the room behind him. A tall, slender figure stood in the center of the room, with glowing purple eyes.

Kira whipped around, once again drawing Killer Queen. This time, however, his Stand was in a fighting stance.

There was no one there. But Kira knew who he had seen. There was no one else it could be. Quinn, if he remembered their name correctly, the last of the assassin team sent to take him back to the spirit realm. He had hoped that the ghost was dealt with whenever Amber had met the wrong end of his Stand's power, but it looked like the death of his teammates only made them more angry.

"Marinette, I was invited to a sleepover at Adrien's house but I don't think I'm going to go, did you have any plans for the day or-"

The girl was suddenly in his face. "Adrien's house? Why are you bringing up Adrien?" Kira took a quick step back, he killed people, but the girls obsession was a little too crazy even for him.

Marinette realized how close she was, and hastily took a few steps back. "I actually do have plans for today," she said, "I was going to go hang out with Alya and a few others. Luka was supposed to come, but we haven't heard back from him in a while. You can come with us if you want."

Hanging out with the girls and Marinette or sleeping over at Adrien's mansion? As unappealing as each of those options sound, Kira finally elected to just meet the guys. Texting Adrien a quick 'I'll be there' he began to pack an overnight bag.


Arriving at the Agreste manor, Kira was greeted by a strange lady with a red stripe in her hair. Not bothering to ask her name, he followed her inside to Adrien's room.

"You are the first one here, and Adrien is still in his piano lessons. You may sit here and wait."

The woman briskly walked away, leaving Kira all alone. With nothing better to do, he pulled out his small bag, and taking out his clothes, began to fold.

After carefully putting every crease into place, he relaxed a little. The sense of normalcy calmed his nerves. He has been in high alert ever since Quinn had shown themself this morning, and wasn't about to drop his guard. Even so, he was beginning to feel much more comfortable in his youthful body, he was finally used to being a teenager.

His high attention made it even more surprising when someone appeared behind him, placing their hand on his shoulder.

Turning quickly, and bringing our Killer Queen, Kira readied the Stands ability, fully prepared to blow Quinn sky-high.

Instead of finding the lavender spirit, there was only a tall man dressed in odd clothes. Forget Adrien's watch, this man's outfit could pay for Marinette's entire home.

"And who are you?" The man spoke coldly, his eyes staring down at Kira, seemingly uninterested. "I'm one of Adrien's friends, sir." Kira could have sworn he'd seen this man somewhere before... recognized his voice... but where?

The man relaxed a little, but still spoke every word like a threat, "I see. The first of few, hopefully. You must understand, I've been very protective of my son ever since his mother passed away..."

Adrien's father didn't seem like the kind of man to cry, but he was dangerously pushing the limit. It was all making Kira very uncomfortable. This came out nowhere, was the man ok? What's more, he finally remembered where he recognized him from. Not only was he Adrien's father, he was the target that Kira had been tasked to kill so long ago. It felt like a lifetime. It was because of this man he was given another chance at life.

The second realization came a few seconds later, and now Kira was even more disturbed. This was Hawkmoth, the man who akumatized him, and one of the main things making life hard for Kira and his friends.

Maybe I should just kill him now

Almost immediately deciding against it, Kira could only smile at the adult, grinding his teeth. Killer Queen's arm emerged, feeling his masters anger, but Kira forced his Stand to back down.

Wait, Hawkmoth is Cat Noir's father? What's wrong with this city?

"Kira! You made it!"

The two turned, seeing Adrien walking into the room. Standing up, Kira moved quickly away from Mr. Agreste.

"Who all else is coming tonight, Adrien?"

Adrien turned to his father, raising his chin, "Only Nino, dad." His dad nodded, "Good. I'll be in my study. If you need anything, ask Natalie."

Adrien nodded, and with that, Mr. Agreste was gone.

Turning back to Kira, Adrien noticed his bag on the floor. "Did you... fold your clothes?"

Kira reddened. Maybe he wasn't used to being a teenager after all.


Nino arrived nearly an hour later, and in no time the three boys were actually having a sort of fun. Kira wasn't the best at video games, but he was getting the hang of it, even managing to beat Nino once or twice.

It had been a few hours, but at exactly midnight the automatic lights in the house shut off. Kira stood, once again anticipating an attack, but Nino grabbed his arm, "Relax dude, Mr. Agreste has the system queued up like this every night."

Control freak

Kira liked a nice order, but even this was a bit excessive. Adrien helped to prepared blankets and pillows for the two guests, and once everything was comfortable, the boys laid down to sleep.

Kira checked his phone, it was nearly one in the morning. His sleep schedule was going to kill him for this, but he didn't regret it. He had been enjoying himself, which is more than he could say for the company bowling games he had been forced to attend back in Morioh.

His body was already a little stiff due to him not being able to stretch, but he didn't mind too much. Finally drifting to sleep, he smiled.

Maybe these friends aren't so bad.

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