Don't Stop Me Now

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He had been following her for about a week now.

A week since the Agreste manor has gone down in flames, and Adrien had made a full recovery. Nino returned to school as well, but there was no sign of Kira or Mr. Agreste.

It was Sunday night, a school night, and Caline Bustier was returning home from a very bad date. The man had been rude and filthy, preferring to talk about himself more than anything else. She huffed as she walked down the sidewalk, staring at the ground, wondering if she'd ever meet the perfect man.

As she was looking at the ground, she didn't see the man walking towards her until the bumped into each other, sending the contents of her purse everywhere.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry, please, allow me to help."

She glanced up, and was instantly silent. The man was so... so handsome. A sharp jawline and bold blue eyes, with a nice blonde haircut. He wore a white suit, and smiled at her fondly. He almost reminded her of... of... Kira?

"What's wrong, Miss Bustier? Cat got your tongue?"

Gently touching her hand, Kira smiled, and before she could even scream, Caline Bustier was gone. Only a small pile of ash, and her scattered purse were all that remained.

Adjusting his tie, Kira smirked at Killer Queen.

It's showtime


Bored, the class looked on as the temporary principal went off on one of her strange tangents. Marinette, whose head rested on her desk, sighed. There was something about how Miss Bustier would be out for a while, and they had to find a long term replacement. "And that, my eager little students, is where I leave you!" The eccentric woman bowed, and shuffled backwards out the door. Still bowing.

"Hello class, how is everyone doing today?"

The man walked confidently across the classroom, hands tucked stylishly into his crisp suit. Grabbing a piece of chalk, scribbled the name 'Mr. Kosaku' on the whiteboard.

Marinette stared straight at him. It couldn't be... could it? It looked just like Kira, albeit a couple decades older. Was this an Akuma? She had to find out.

"Welcome to the school, Mr. Kosaku!" Chloe was standing, reaching for his hand. Glancing down at it, he grimaced. When she realized he wasn't going to shake her hand, she swiftly brought it to her side, and continued, "My name is Chloe, the most popular girl at school. One might say the queen bee. I'll be here if you need anything, mkay? Oh, you might want to watch out for that one though. She's a troublemaker."

Marinette sighed. Of course Chloe's finger was pointed straight at her. "Is that so?" Kosaku attempted to give a frown, but his face hinted at a smile. Pretending to check his role sheet, but keeping his eyes on her, he spoke slowly, "Well then... Miss Marinette. I believe I should have a word with you outside. I don't tolerate... troublemakers."

This was perfect! Marinette would be close enough to steal away and destroy the Akuma! It was almost too easy.

As soon as they were alone, Marinette lightly patted her bag, warning Tikki to prepare herself. "So... Kosaku... or should I call you Kira?"

He laughed, "It's a wonder your secret identity is still intact, if you can recognize me now I can't believe none of your imbecile friends can imagine Ladybug without a mask."

Marinette froze. "How do you... know about that? An Akuma?" Kira smiled causally, "Please, that class in there might share a single brain cell, but I'm much sharper. And don't worry about trying to De-Akumatize me, this is the real thing."

She couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. "Real thing?" He sighed, "You seriously haven't figured it out yet? I've been playing you Marinette. That ridiculous teen body was awful, but now I'm free. All thanks to Hawkmoth."

She narrowed her eyes, "So you are working with Hawkmoth." Summoning his Stand, Kira allowed a small flame to escape Killer Queen's fingers. "You misunderstand. I took his power, and left behind everything else in that smoking hole that used to be his home."

Marinette gasped. His home? Hawkmoth? The Agreste manor...? Mr. Agreste was... Hawkmoth!

"So you aren't completely dense, but yes... I killed him. Just like I killed Bustier, Juleka... and Luka." This comment had the exact reaction he had wanted, and Marinette's eyes flared with anger. "Tikki! SPOTS ON!"

The power of the Ladybug Miraculous launched Kira off of the balcony, landing in the courtyard below. The bright light drew out the multitude of students, all seeing Ladybug attacking a seemingly innocent man. "Help! Someone help me!" Kira screamed, "Marinette is Ladybug! She's been Akumatized! She attacked me!"

The students and faculty looked back and forth for a moment, and their eyes settled on Marinette. "Someone do something!" She heard the crowd start to turn on her, all discussing how they should take her down. "No, no! That isn't what happened! This is Yoshikage Kira! He's lying to you!"

"Yeah right! Mr. Kosaku would never lie to us! He's been a great friend for years!" This voice belonged to Chloe, and at that moment, Adrien pushed his way to the front of the mob. "Shut it, Chloe! We literally just met him today! And Marinette is right... that's Kira!"

Kira scowled, raising his hand to strike the boy. "Why you little-" but as he brought it down, Marinette caught his fist by the wrist. Unfortunately for her, that was exactly what he needed. Killer Queen emerged swiftly, and brought down its finger onto its hand. An explosion rocked the courtyard, and this time, it was Ladybug who flew backwards, smashing through a wall, landing in the street outside the school.

At the head of the crowd, Chloe screamed, "Oh my god... KIRA IS A SUPERVILLAIN!!!"

The entire courtyard burst into a panic, and Kira easily slipped between children, approaching Marinette. Something crashed into the side of his face, violently twisting his neck to the side. A fist. Cradling his jaw, Kira looked down at Adrien, standing in front of a now conscious Marinette. "Kira. Why don't you put away the light show and give me my ring back?" Marinette looked up at this, putting two and two together.

Ring? Adrien is...

"Sorry cat." With a simple flicking motion, Kira launched Adrien through the same wall as Marinette. The two teens made eye contact, and Marinette smiled at him groggily. "You're... I didn't know... Adrien."

Adrien looked at her eyes through his own hazy sight. He must have a concussion, but that didn't matter now. "Hello, M'lady."

She smiled, but the moment didn't last. Kira leaned over the two, and took Marinette's earrings from her ear, and the ring in his pocket began to pulsate. Emerging by itself, the two pieces of jewelry glowed in front of him. The power lifted him from the Earth, floating weightlessly midair.

The two Kwami emerged from the Miraculous, gasping when they saw their two bloodied masters, Kira's mind was flooded with the information of the wishing, and the immense power he had at his fingertips.

He has won. Now all he had to do was wish.

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