Cat Blanc

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Kira smiled to himself as he walked down the sidewalk, Marinette's face whenever her grade had been called made his day. Not because he actually cared about her, he corrected in his mind, just because she would have had to stay after class with Lila and that would have dwindled her confidence down to zero. If she wasn't confident, she wouldn't give Adrien his gift.

He knew, of course, that she had been planning this for weeks. She talked to herself a lot in her room, and he knew as soon as her and Adrien started seeing each other, he would be able to relax without hearing her frantic ramblings.

The test was a just a precaution, something to boost her over the finish line. Once again, he made sure he had his priorities straight, this was only to make sure he lived as peacefully as possible. In a city full of supervillains and two annoyingly childish superheroes, a peaceful day was hard to come by.

He was looking down, thinking about what he wanted to get for dinner, and more importantly, what kind of macaroons he was going to ask Marinette's dad to make for him that night. He looked up, and immediately ran into a girl on a pair of skates that was cycling through a line of cones. He fell to the ground, and his papers went everywhere.

"Kira? I'm so sorry are you ok??"


He stood up, collecting his things, "Yes I'm fine, thank you for apologizing."

The girl smiled, he recognized her, she was in his class. Her name was Alix, but that could be wrong. He decided to play it safe and address the group as a whole.

"Waiting on Marinette to get back from Adrien's?"

They were shocked, she clearly hadn't told anyone else about the present. He realized his mistake, and immediately tried to correct it.

"Don't look so surprised girls, I do live right across from her."

They seemed to accept this as a reasonable excuse, and continued discussing whether or not Marinette would actually pull it off this time. As he slipped through the small crowd, he felt a hesitant finger tap his shoulder. He turned, it was the goth girl from his class. She sat two rows behind him, her name was Juleka, he believed.

She spoke softly, "Hey... Kira? You seem pretty cool, would you want to hang out sometime?"

He would have usually made up an excuse, a story about dinner plans was fresh in his mind. Maybe this was a ploy he had used before his Spirit days, he added it to his mental log.

He took her hand off of his shoulder, but instead of letting it fall, he held it between the two of them. He smiled, "I'd love to."

Her cheeks flushed red, and he let go of her hand. He started back on his route, leaving them all to wait for Marinette. He knew they crowded around her, surprised he had accepted.

If he had stayed a few minutes more, he might have seen Ladybug, holding Adrien's gift, watching him and Juleka talk with an empty sadness in her eyes.

If Marinette had gotten there a few minutes sooner, she would have seen Kira, not even bothering to look into Juleka's eyes. He didn't know it himself, but he was looking at her hands.


"Kira, would you like to come down and talk to our guests?"

He stayed quiet, hoping Tom and Sabine would assume he was already asleep. They didn't call out anymore after that, so he pulled out his smart-phone and opened his messages. Phones were still a relatively new concept for him, but he was getting the hang of them.

There was one from Juleka, they had been seeing each other for a while now, and while he refused to make anything official, she was a good listener. She thought his talk of Spirits and demons were stories, or a dark fiction that came from Kira's loneliness.

He wasn't exactly sure what was going on downstairs, but knew it was some kind of date between Adrien and Marinette. Adrien's father was even attending this one in person, which would have been far more impressive if both his assistant and bodyguard weren't standing outside the front door.

Marinette and Adrien, or Adrinette as he referred to them in his head, had been dating for a few months now, and it was pure bliss for the boy.

She no longer kept him up at night, and he had finally started to make friends at school. Him and Nino had hung out a few times, playing video games and getting ice cream, and he was supposed to spend the night at Adrien's house sometime in the coming year.

Apparently he was "Busy."

At first his dad denied Adrien's request to have Kira come over, but after the Agreste family ran into him at a big shot fashion show, the two quiet men got along nicely. They stood in silence at the event, but the rich man seemed to enjoy the company.

Then he heard it, something fell down in the bakery below his room. At first he assumed it was Marinette being clumsy, but then he heard Tom begin to yell, and what sounded like sobbing.

He rushed down the stairs, oddly ready to defend his new family. Instead of an intruder, or angry customer, it was Mr Agreste's assistant. She had a tablet with the fashion designers face on it... so much for in person appearance.

From what Tom was saying, and Marinette crying into her mother's shoulder, he guessed something came up regarding Adrinette.

The assistant left, bodyguard close behind, and as Marinette ran to her room, Tom and Sabine explained the situation.

Apparently Adrien's father had deemed Marinette unfit for his son. Marinette had a quick breakdown after the eccentric man threatened to take him out of public school if she refused his cruel offer. He knew this was about more than just his son, more likely it was about his brand.

Kira hadn't forgotten his original mission was to eliminate Mr. Agreste, and while he had no intention of following up on his orders, he still wondered what the man done.

The next day at school, Kira discussed it with Alya.

"Of course I want what's best for my girl! We have to find a way to keep them together, no matter the cost!!"

Kira thanked her, kissed her hand, and walked away. She blushed, and as soon as she couldn't see his face, he grimaced. He seemed to have a certain effect on the girls of the school, and while it made him uncomfortable, he knew how to use it.

Some part of him knew it was wrong, but he wasn't the hero in Paris, was he?

A news feed played on one of the schools many, although constant, TV's. It showed the superhero duo fighting a new villain, same as any other day.

Something moved him to keep watching today however, and he noticed something strange. For one, Cat Noir wasn't that Noir today, he was pure white. And another, Hawkmoth was fighting them in person. That didn't happen often, this must be the season finale.

He laughed silently at his own joke, and turned his attention back to the screen. He gasped whenever he saw Cat Noir unleash an explosion of immeasurable damage. Suddenly, a noise so loud he felt his eardrums pop echoed over what he could only assume was all of Paris. He knelt to the ground, hands covering his ears. He moved his hands away from his head, and saw them stained red.

He looked up, and his eyes widened even further than they already were. The moon had been split in half, and that's when he saw the massive sphere of energy spreading through Paris.

He realized this may be the end, and closed his eyes, ready to face whatever came next. He was ready to rejoin the ranks of the Monk, and though he would miss his new friends, he would get along without them.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and keeping his eyes closed, he let whoever it was seek comfort in his presence.

"Did you miss me, Yoshikage?"

His eyes shot open. It was her. He had been waiting for her, but of course, had been secretly hoping she would never come for him.

The Monk smiled back, though behind her sweet smile was something sinister, and immeasurably old, and infinitely sinister.

White, pure, energy swept across them, and everything went dark for Yoshikage Kira.

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