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Oh great. What do these freaks want?

As the party raged around them, all Kira could see was the pair of ghosts. He wasn't sure why they were here, but it couldn't be good. Hopefully it wasn't to get revenge for their friend he had dealt with in the alternate future.

"Remember us?" Amber clutched a solo cup, filled with pink lemonade, and Kira noticed unnatural ripples forming in the glass. Right... her power. He brushed the thought aside, he needed to focus.

Amber leaned in, while Quinn scanned the crowd, looking for potential threats to their plan.

That one doesn't talk much, does he?

Kira tried to move away, but Quinn grabbed his arm before he could get too far. For a skinny kid, he was surprisingly strong. Before he could pull away from his would be tormentors, a voice called out to him, and he knew things were about to get a lot messier.

"Kira! Kira! Over here!"

Marinette burst through the crowd, nearly falling onto the gym floor as a result. Luckily, the other students and staff seemed to be used to her clumsiness, and were able to maneuver around her. Only then did Kira notice who she had brought with her, Adrien Agreste. The boy extended his hand. Kira noticed a watch on his wrist that must have cost more than his suit.

"Hey Kira, you probably don't know who I am, we have art together?"

Kira forced a smile, and shook the outstretched hand. "Yeah totally, you painted that awesome black cat earlier this week, didn't you?" He stretched the compliment, and for a moment he suspected Adrien knew he was forcing himself to be social. Not that he usually would have been less than polite, the two spirits were making him very uncomfortable.

Marinette finally noticed the two teenagers and spoke quickly to fill the silence, "I don't think I've seen you two around, are you visiting?"

Amber glanced at Quinn, a worried look in her eyes. They coldly stared back, and then turned to face Marinette. They nodded, giving what appeared to be a genuine smile. Marinette seemed confused that they hadn't just said yes, so Amber jumped in for him.

"Sorry about Quinn, he's not a big talker! If either of you know sign language though, he's your man!"

Adrien raised his head, and before Kira could realize what was happening, moved his hands in a flurry of symbols. Quinn was obviously surprised, and returned a quick succession of hand movements.

Adrien's eyes widened, and Marinette spoke up, eager to know more. "What did you two talk about?" The blonde rubbed the back of his head and said, "He says he isn't deaf, just not a good conversationalist. Sorry about that!"

With a pat on the shoulder, the Agreste boy walked away. Marinette turned to follow, but looked back at the trio before she continued on,

"Nice meeting you two. Oh! I remember reading somewhere if you're shy and don't like to talk, you might have gotten your tongue cut off in a past life. Isn't that weird?"

As she melted into the crowd, Kira noticed Quinn's friendly posture sink, and his eyebrows narrowed. Amber looked worried, and Kira realized his lack of speech was a sore subject, and Marinette just hit the bullseye.

Maybe I should let them kill her.


Where would I sleep if she was dead?

Amber snapped in front of Quinn's face, jolting him out of his anger. He glanced at her, then looked away. It was then Kira noticed the backpack the ghost girl had on. There was definitely something inside, and he was now worried it may contain a weapon of some sort.

"Noticed my bag, did you?"

Amber undid the straps, bringing it to face him. As she opened it, Kira took a step back, preparing to defend himself. Instead of a portal opening, or a pocket dimension to imprison him inside of, there were two arrows, the kind that would be shot with a bow. It was made from some sort of odd metal, but this simple thing didn't concern him at all.

The two ghosts stared at him.

He stared back.

Were they going to...

...poke him with it?

He slowly raised his hands, "Oh no. You got me..." Amber slammed the bag back onto her back in anger. "You don't know what this is? Well you will. One tiny slice with this, and people will be able to see that floating bomb you carry around with you. Not to mention they'll have power of their own."

Now that didn't sound good. And if anyone was going to get their own power to ruin his peaceful life, there were two superheroes that came to mind. If they were able to get their own 'stands' along with their super powers, things would go downhill for him very fast.

Not to mention both of them were in this room.

Kira nodded, "Let's go behind the school. You can take me wherever you want. Just don't use the arrows."

Quinn raised an eyebrow, and Amber laughed,

"The powerful Yoshikage Kira, worried about some mortal kids? Oh how the mighty have fallen."

She stuck out her lower lip, taunting him. He sighed, waving them towards a door.

All part of that plan

Unbeknownst to either him or the specters, another figure followed them out the door, one that would see it all.


In the back, while Quinn was making sure Kira couldn't get away, Amber carved a seal onto the school wall. Kira had seen it before, along the passages of the monks sanctuary.

So that's where they're taking me

Light began to seep out, and through the glimpses from the portal, Kira was able to make out a garden and a large stone building. Amber took off her backpack once again, and pulled out the arrow from the bag.

She pointed it at him, grinning maliciously. "Wait until all of our friends find out that we were the ones that brought you down."

Quinn was already halfway through, impatient with his partners mocking. Kira looked down at the point of it, and smiled. Amber noticed, and pulled it back, holding it close.

"And what are you smiling at?"

Quinn's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, he was definitely smarter than his insane cohort. The lavender ghost leapt forward, but he wasn't fast enough.

Kira's stand appeared behind him, and the tip of the arrow glowed with the power of one thousand suns. Amber had no time to react, and there was no water to put out the fire. She was gone instantly, along with the arrow. Quinn was blasted through the portal, which closed as he flew through.

Kira could have sworn he heard a scream as the light faded. He was safe. And no one could stop him now.

"What... what was that?"

Kira froze. Someone was behind him. Someone else he would have to kill to maintain his secret. This was getting annoying, his temper was rising, as was his body count.


"Ah yes... I sense a soul angry at life's challenges! So many things interfere with this young man's day... how about I give him the power to make sure nothing gets in his way again!"


Kira looked at the blue haired boy in front of him, who seemed to notice something he didn't.

"Look out man, it's going for your tie!"

Before he could register what the punk was saying, feelings of hatred washed over him. He couldn't contain his rage, and unfortunately, he knew what was happening. This would definitely put him in the spotlight. Kira tried to fight the swelling emotions in his chest, but he completely lost control when he heard a voice in his head...

"Hello Yoshikage Kira, I am Hawkmoth."

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