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~ 15 Years Later ~

Hey Ladybug fans!

This is your trusty source, Alya Césaire, reporting live from the Ladyblog! Just this week, Ladybug and Cat Noir have taken down three new villains, though none of them as strong as Hawkmoth was. After the supervillain mysteriously disappeared, our heroes haven't had a real challenge in years! I was able to score a quick interview with the couple, and learned that they have no intention of allowing villains to run rampant in our city! In other news, their growing relationship is becoming more public, with the two even sharing a kiss after defeating Rat King!

Edith Wessex closed her computer. She had only been a doctor at this hospital in Paris for a few week's and the workload was double her last job.

More people got hurt in the villain attacks now that Hawkmoth was defeated, and they all came straight here. Just earlier today, Rat King struck again, attacking a bridge. The details were murky, but sources reported that Ladybug's earrings were damaged, causing a massive explosion. Cars and people were sent into the water, and were now being brought in for treatment.

Another victim of the attack was wheeled in, "Doc, we need orders!" A new nurse looked very worried, but she gave him a reassuring smile. "Get him to the emergency room."

Getting into her scrubs, she looked down at the man being wheeled in for surgery.

"Patient, adult male. 30-40 years old. Blonde. Unidentified." She checked her watch, "Time is four-eighteen."

Edith turned the man's head, examining him as they rolled the stretcher down the hallway. "Light burns around facial area." She glanced down, seeing his stomach. She grimaced, "Large metal debris penetration around stomach area, he desperately needs this surgery, beginning operation now."

~Three Weeks Later~

The man had been asleep for weeks, and Edith was beginning to lose hope. His recovering condition pointed to a smooth recovery, but the fact he hadn't shown any signs of waking up troubled her.

Finishing the man's medical paperwork for the day, she reached across his bed to place the file on the desk.

The man's hand shot up, grabbing her wrist on the way back across the cot. She yelped in surprise, and turned to face his cold blue eyes boring into her soul. He would almost be handsome, but the bandages and scars on his face made it hard to tell.

"You're awake! Sir... what's your name, sir?"

The man looked at her curiously. Without answering, his eyes moved down her arm. He still gripped her wrist tightly, and it was beginning to hurt. She attempted to pull away, but his own hand was too strong.

"Please, who are you?"

He smiled. The wicked way his face twisted made her sick to the stomach.

Edith stared in terror, "Sir?"

Finally, he spoke.

"You have... such beautiful hands."

The End

Writer's Note

Hey everybody! Well, that's the end of the story. It feels weird, this project has been in the works for a little more than a year now, and once I finally finished it, I redesigned the cover and republished it completely. I'd like to say thank you to anyone who has made it this far, even if at the moment that's about two people. Thank you for sticking with Kira through his new life, and I genuinely appreciate your time. If you enjoyed the story, please consider voting for your favorite chapters and commenting! Goodbye for now, my friends. Until next time,


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