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"Are you gonna finish that?"

Luka glanced down at the sandwich on his plate. There were only two bites taken out of it, and just looking at it made him feel sick.

"All yours man."

"Thanks bro!"

The muscular boy took his plate, devouring the oversized sandwich in only a few bites. It was a week after Kira had been akumatized, and this was the first real meeting between himself and Josuke.

"So..." Luka nervously nudged his fork, "What did I see before Kira turned evil?"

Josuke wiped his mouth on his sleeve, and spoke through the half chewed burger, "I got bad news for you man, Kira was always evil. We fought him back in 1999, and stopped him."

Is this guy crazy? They're both teenagers, no way they were alive in 1999.

Apparently, the disbelief on Luka's face showed. Josuke had a quick moment of realization, and quickly tried to explain,

"Oh, right. So Kira and I both are from a different time. In my world, he was an adult man, and a serial killer. My friends and I stopped him, and I watched him die. I'm not sure how he's alive, but he's here now, and we have to defeat him."

Luka blinked, that was a lot of information, and he dealt with superheroes and villains on a daily basis.

"Hey, do you see that?"

Josuke was staring out of the cafe window, and when Luka turned to see what the boy was distracted by, an akumatized villain stared back.

He didn't recognize the person that had been taken over by Hawkmoth's power, they were covered head to toe in a starry night print, and it seemed to move separately than the figure that wore it. The galaxy themed villain raised their hand, and sent a blast of energy right at the two boys.


"Hey Kira, are you almost ready to go?"

Kira was not almost ready to go. Marinette had been pounding on his door for nearly 15 minutes, and it was beginning to drive him crazy.

Earlier that week, whenever he had been forced to get rid of Juleka, he had spent every waking moment searching for a new partner. Unfortunately for Kira, Marinette was in an odd state of being where she wouldn't leave him alone, so he hadn't gotten a chance to obtain a new girlfriend.

His finger slipped, and his entire tie came undone.

He was about to lose it.

"Kira! We have to be at the school in ten minutes!"

"I am fully aware, Marinette!" He shouted back forcefully. The knocking stopped quickly, and he watched the shadows of her feel pout away from the door.

He sighed, wondering if he should be a bit nicer to his hostess. This was her spare room after all, and he definitely didn't want to get evicted.

After finally getting his tie taken care of, and a quick debate on an outfit, he was ready to go. As a show of good faith, he elected to leave the tie behind and wear simple blue jeans and blue/white/pink striped shirt. He thought the outfit was horribly designed, but Marinette had bought him the clothes. They still smelled like her...

What's wrong with me?!?

Kira gave himself a mental slap on the wrist, reminding himself that he wasn't the same age as the students that he interacted with daily. At most, he was coming dangerously close to making Marinette his next victim. The thought of this made him stop, a strong feeling of guilt rising in his stomach.

"Oh... well that's never happened before..."

"What hasn't happened before?"

The new voice startled Kira, but it was only Marinette. Unlike most people, when he looked at her, he didn't only see her hands. He noticed her white teeth, dark blue hair, and kind smile.

Her eyes widened, and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "Are you... wearing the outfit I bought for you?"

Now it was his turn to blush, "No. Yeah. I didn't have any other clean clothes, ok?"

Crestfallen, she looked down at her shoes. "Oh..."

Once again, the wave of guilt built itself up to his throat. He sighed. "No, that's not true. I wanted to wear it, thank you."

Marinette smiled, face even redder than before. "Come on," Kira said, outstretching his arm, "Let's get to school."


You've got to be kidding me

Kira looked at the school, which was once again on fire. Why did this happen so much? Students ran around the courtyard in a frenzy. He stopped Nino, and asked what was happening, even though he already knew.

"There's a new Hawkmoth villain bro, we need to get out of here!"

As if on cue, the villain descended from the sky, floating gently. "Hello everyone, it is I! SpaceTime! And I'm here for a certain pair of heroes!"

Kira turned, unsurprisingly, Marinette was already gone. She was no doubt transforming at this very moment.

"Hey! Yoshikage Kira!"

He froze. It couldn't be. Could it?

Kira turned, to see the one person he hoped to never lay eyes on again. One of the last people he saw before he died and ended up in that ghostly alleyway.

Josuke sprinted towards him, with Crazy Diamond fully prepared to send Kira back to the spirit realm. Killer Queen erupted from within his soul, blocking Josuke's attack. Another boy, Luka, Kira thought, stood behind them in disbelief.

"Josuke, I thought we agreed we weren't going to hurt him!"

The punks eyes glowed, and Kira felt himself take a step back.

Shit... we're the same age now. He's stronger than me!

Looking up, Ladybug and Cat Noir fought SpaceTime, who was launching attacks at them left and right. Not one projectile hit its target, but one landed dangerously close to Kira's head.

The attack left a sliver on the wall, a gateway to another place.

SpaceTime's power must be to rip holes in time and space... what a shitty name

Glancing inside, he could see a small town. Brightly colored, but something was off. It was different. Modern. It was...


The word left Josuke's mouth at the same time it left Kira's. This must have been where Josuke was taken from. A great pulling sensation was coming from the portal, like an open airlock in deep space. Allowing Killer Queen to rest, Kira stepped out of the way. Josuke's force of his attack threw him right into the current, and he flew towards the portal.

Kira watched as the teen disappeared into the hole in the wall.

There was no time left to question what had happened when Luka slammed into Kira, tackling him from behind.

"Josuke told me about the people you've killed!" He cried, "I'm not going to let you hurt Marinette or any of my friends!"

They soared through the portal to Morioh just as it sizzled closed on the other side.

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