A Quiet Life

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"Tikki, Plagg. I wish for my ideal peaceful life! No one in Paris will remember me, and no one in my new world will be able to stop me!!"

A portal opened, and Marinette gasped.

They had failed. Kira's wish was coming true, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. A massive hole in reality was opening, and through it, she could just make out an average sized Japanese house with the Kira family name engraved onto the front gate.

"Hey Kira!"

It was Adrien, her prince. He leapt at the killer, but was easily dispatched whenever the man opened his palm, sending a wave of destruction and fire towards the boy. He landed near her, a massive burn mark covering his left eye.

She checked his pulse, he was still breathing. She moved him into a back alley, where she was surprised to see her mom and dad hiding there. They quickly took Adrien from her, and began treating his wounds. She looked back, the portal was getting bigger every second, and Kira was floating towards the opening.

"Marinette, we're so sorry, you're Ladybug?? We should have known..." grabbing her mothers hand, she smiled, "It's not your fault. I'm used to it by now. I just need you to get the kids inside the school to safety, okay?"

She stood to fight, but her mother grabbed her wrist. They locked eyes, and her Sabine nodded. "Go save the day, my Ladybug."

Marinette ran into the street, ready to face her destiny.


Kira looked into the word his wish was creating. It reminded him of Morioh, but also a little of Paris. Maybe he had enjoyed his new life more than he gave himself credit for. He had definitely made new memories, and no doubt new friends. Of course none of them would remember him once his wish was complete, but he would always cherish their time together.

Something hit him in the back of the head, and he turned, still floating due to the power of creation and destruction combined.

It was Marinette, standing tall and ready to fight in the middle of the street. He sighed, he had hoped he wouldn't have to kill her too, but she was giving him no choice.

She picked up another rock, but this time he was ready. She threw it, and just before before it hit him right in the forehead, Killer Queen materialized and turned it to red hot lava. It floated  precariously midair, inches away from his face, and Kira studied it. Gathering his newfound strength, and launched it back at her.

Goodbye, Marinette.

He moved back to the portal, which was almost done forming, when he heard his lava hit something that definitely wasn't Marinette's flammable exterior.

He faced her again, and saw them. His projectile has been stopped by a shield resembling a turtle shell, and several costumed heroes stood at her side, ready to fight. He took note of a Horse, Monkey, and Bee.

Kira smirked, they couldn't be serious. He clenched his fist, and drew their Miraculous from them. The power over the strongest of them granted him power over them all. They joined his arsenal, and the heroes childish outfits dissolved. Useless Miraculous, anxious trinkets, clattered to the ground, and Kira completely expected the children to run.

Well... this is unexpected.

They were still there. Each child was still holding their pose, ready to fight. Even now, Adrien Agreste had joined them, burn mark over his left eye still smoldering. His face wouldn't be on the cover of any more magazines, but he didn't seem too concerned. All of them, without weapons or powers, held their ground, fully prepared to give everything for their city. Marinette stood at the head, eyes narrowed.

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