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Kira looked at the boy in the black spandex suit and sighed. Not that his costume was much better. Trying to pass the time, he found a comfort in picking out houses he would like to live in. A two story next to the river, a top floor apartment tucked away in a quiet corner.

Hawkmoth had given him specific instructions to not remove the ring of destruction, and it was driving him crazy. He could already imagine the boys face without a mask, something any other sane person was incapable of apparently, maybe that was his real superpower. But the power of the ring called to him.

The area was suddenly lit up around him, and looking up, Kira saw Ladybug's- no, Marinette's, face looking back at him from a large screen on the side of a building.

"Deadly Queen," She spoke harshly, but the kindness of her voice was still there, "Bring Cat Noir to the Louvre, and I'll give you my miraculous in exchange for his life."

Once again, Hawkmoth's insignia flared around his face, "Deadly Queen, this is your chance! Bring me their power and a quiet, peaceful life will be yours!"

Kira smiled, flipping his goggles back down over his eyes. "That's all you had to say."


Outside the Louvre, Ladybug waited patiently. The sounds of tourists and peaceful onlookers helped calm her nerves, but she was aware of everyone in the vicinity. All entrances to the museum were closed, and all visitors knew to stay away. At this point, the crowd was here to see a fight.

As if on cue, a giant explosion shattered the glass pyramid. A voice rang out from the smoke, beckoning her playfully,

"Oh Ladybug... come out and play!"

Deadly Queen stepped over rubble nimbly, avoiding any trips or stumbles the twisted steel snd glass might have caused.

Ladybug scanned the area, "Where is Cat Noir?"

The villain grinned, "He's safe, don't worry."

Ladybug wasn't going to give him any more time to create bombs, there was too much at risk, and he had already proven unstable.

"Lucky charm!" She cried, sending her yo-yo into the air. It began to morph, and in less than a few seconds, a piece of paper drifted back into her hands.

A pamphlet for the Mona Lisa exhibit? How's that supposed to help?

Not able to form a plan, the girl ran down the stairs, into the partially destroyed museum.

"What am I supposed to do!?"

She sprinted through the hallways with only the Mona Lisa in her mind. The sounds of explosions rocketing priceless artifacts across the rooms behind her forced her legs to move quicker.

Turing a corner, she ran into something solid. A person no doubt, but who? Drawing her yo-yo, Ladybug prepared to send it towards the threat, but a muffled voice stopped her.

"Nawr! Waid!"

Opening a single eye, she found Cat Noir tied up with his own tail and gagged with a globe stress ball toy. Taking the gag from his mouth, he sighed in relief.

"Thanks M'lady, will you please untie me now?"

Hastily agreeing, she turned back towards the corner. The explosive lights were only getting closer, and they had no plan.

"Cat, listen, I'm not sure what we're going to do-"

She blinked. It was as if a light switch was turned on inside her brain. Her vision grayed, and certain objects were illuminated in ladybug print. The Mona Lisa itself, a suspended sarcophagus from the Egypt exhibit on the floor above, and Cat Noir looking puzzled back at her.

She grinned, "Let's do this."


Kira rounded the corner, expecting to see Ladybug at any moment. Frankly, he was surprised she hadn't come out to fight him already. That lucky charm... what was it? That power always gave her the upper hand, and he was determined to defeat her.

"Hey! Deadly Queen!"

He turned his head swiftly, but that wasn't Ladybug's voice. How had Cat Noir gotten free? It didn't matter now, he readied his power to destroy the boy. It would be a tricky shot, but the ring would emerge unharmed.

I'll just leave his whole arm just to be safe. He's not exactly my type, but I'll make an exception just this once.

Kira raised his fist, but stopped when he saw what the boy was standing on.

The Mona Lisa in all of its glory, suspended high and proud for everyone to see. It was beautiful, masterful. He found his eyes being drawn to her hands...

"Cat! Now!"

Ladybug was above him? He reacted slowly, and Cat Noir extended his pole straight up. "Cataclysm!" He shouted, fist swirling with destructive power.

Behind him, Ladybug threw her yo-yo forward, wrapping around his tie.

No! The Akuma!

It was too late, Cat Noir's palm brushed the steel metal holding a golden sarcophagus in place as Kira's silk tie was ripped from his chest.

The ancient box fell on top of him, encasing Kira against the ground. Not having time to brace for impact, the top of the case hit him on the head, knocking him out. The last thing he saw was the Mona Lisa, and everything went dark.

"Time to de-evilize!"

The spotted disk cured the butterfly of any remaining evil, and gently opened, allowing the insect to fly away.

Cat Noir lifted the gold case off of the ground, snd Kira emerged, perfectly normal. He rubbed his head and groaned while his brain spun.

"Pound it."

The two heroes bumped fists, and nodded at each other. Hearing a beep come from his ring, and then from her earrings, Cat Noir smirked.

"Gotta run, M'lady."

And with that, he was gone. Behind her mask, Ladybug looked at the recovering Yoshikage Kira one last time, and jumped away.


Sitting in his bed, Kira stared into the inky darkness around him. He could hear Marinette and her parents downstairs, but they didn't  even cross his mind.

They had all been incredibly understanding when he requested to go to sleep early, 'being akumatized is no joke', they said. But that wasn't the true reason he requested this time alone.

Something had happened when he was struck over the head earlier that day. The floodgates in his brain were finally open.

Yoshikage Kira remembered everything. His childhood, his peaceful life, his encounter with those horrible children, and he remembered how he had died.

More importantly, he finally remembered from where he recognized that boy in the bakery all those weeks ago. The hair, the Japanese student uniform, it was Josuke. Somehow they were both in Paris in a new time, in a new world.

Clenching his fist, the purple stand rose beside him. Gently caressing it's cheek, he smiled.

"Good to see you old friend. Oh, and don't worry, Hawkmoth doesn't know what he's talking about. Your name will remain the same... my Killer Queen."

The lavender cat purred at this. Kira smiled more genuinely than he had in a long time. He may still be trapped in a gangly teenage body, but inside his head, he was feeling good as new.

"We're going to find that brat of a boy, and maybe even take down some superhero's while we're at it."

Turning off his light, Yoshikage Kira closed his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming of blowing Josuke Higashikata to bloody bits.

He couldn't wait.

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