Friday, 1st of May, 2015

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Today went by quite fast. The weekend is here! I'm going to head up to the forest again & I hope to find some cool feathers as I'm making another dream catcher. Nothing really therian related happened today though. So this entry may be a little bland, I apologise.

I have, however, been obsessed with taxidermy & vulture culture lately. I've seen countless posts with awesome pictures of animal things and it really intrigues me. I would like to get into it but I don't have much money to spare and Australia post laws are a bunch of bullshit. Every other country can have animal products shipped to them internationally but nooooo not us. Which blows, because most of the things I want come from places other than this place.

I would like to own some skulls or whatever though. I've heard about the process of cleaning bones, so if I see a dead bird I might try to get its skull clean and display it. This brings me to therians not liking animal products. I totally get it if you really don't want to bring harm to animals at all, and some therians hate the idea of a real tail. I, myself, hate the needless killing of thousands of animals for just their fur, and for nothing else. Fur farms are cruel, indeed. I would only every get animal products from an animal I found dead.

But the hate on real tails; I get it. It seems almost cruel. I own real tails because it brings me closer to my identity and understanding of animals and therianthropy as a whole. And if I can use a part of an animal that would normally be discarded then I am definitely happy for it. Where I live, there is a bounty on foxes. They are considered vermin. So hunting them is good, it restores vegetation and the environmental balance. And if I can put to use a part of the animal at the same time, it's a win win. Get the idea?

Today I also felt like animals were much more drawn to me. I walk to and from school and there are lots of people walking their dogs. I see these people regularly, and their dogs are usually quiet, but today they all barked and got all up in my face. Maybe it was an aura shift or an astral shift? There's a lot of talk on dogs and other animals being able to sense things such as not wanting to go into a haunted place, running away because there will soon be a disaster and barking at blank walls or corners. Maybe it's something like that? To make up for senses that they don't have, they have the ability to sense an energy? I don't know, just a thought.

This is close enough to 500 words. Maybe I'll reach it by the end of this conclusion. I really wish I had more to write about, but tomorrow I will be sure to have something to actually talk about.

-Psychedelic wolf

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