Chapter 1

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It's a cloudy day in New York. It looked like it was going to rain in any second I started speed walking down the street towards the apartment towers I live in. i walked by a well dressed man with a really cool pair of sunglasses, i looked at him and he looked back we exchanged smiles and we kept walking the opposites directions, i looked back and saw him walking towards an alley way i sprinted towards him and he was about to walk past it when i grabbed him by the wrist and stopped him, he turned around startled and confused.

"Um excuse me miss, what do you think your doing?" he snapped at me

I put my finger up to my lips and then pointed to the alley, he turned and he turned back to me confused, i kept looking and pointed again he turned and when he did three big men that looked like they belonged to a gang walked out murmuring. They were carrying a bat and what looked like little pocket knives, I let go of his wrist and he stood there.

"They were going to mug you, and leave you for dead." i said

"How do you know that?" he said

"Well I can see into the future to whomever I choose to and I looked back and saw that you were going to walk down that alley and well it would have been well, not really nice on my part to just let that happen." i explained casually

He stared at me blankly. And again i over explained.

"I see." he said

"Anyways uh have a nice day sir." i said and started to walk off quickly

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled out a card, I slowly took it and looked at it. S.H.I.E.L.D. I was confused.

"Call this number and tell them Toney Stark sent you, you will be useful for us." he said


I looked up and he waved and started walking away. I just stood there confused. I put the card in my sweater pocket and kept walking towards my apartment.

I arrived at the elevator doors of the apartments, and I pushed the button for the sixth floor. I waited a little for the elevator to actually get down, the doors opened and walked in. I leaned on the wall of the elevator and waited until I got to my apartment floor. There was a ding and the doors opened and i walked out of the elevator, i went to my apartment door and unlocked the door and walked in, i locked the door behind me and I went over to my living room and turned on the tv and sat down on the bean bag that was there. I was still thinking about the card that man gave me. I pulled it out of my sweater pocket and looked at it. I got up and got my home phone and dialed the number that was on it. The line started ringing, I waited for someone to answer.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. agency, what may we assist you with today?" said a woman on the line

"Um hello, I was told to call this number by a... Mr Tony Stark?" i said

"Wait one moment please." said the women on the other side

Music started playing and took in a breath and let it out.

"Hello this is Nick Fury, state your name, age and ability." he said

"Oh um, my name is Nexela Adams, I am twenty three years old, and am not sure what you mean by ability, mister." i said

"Well there is a reason why Tony told you to call this number and he sent you here." he said sounding a little irritated

"Well I mean, I saved him today from being beaten to death..." i said

"Explain." he said flatly.

"Well I was walking towards my apartment when we crossed paths and I could see into the future so I saw that he was going to walk down an alleyway and get beaten to death and I grabbed him until he was out of danger and then he gave me a card with a number to call." i explained

"Okay, meet me at the S.H.I.E.L.D. offices tomorrow at three in the after noon sharp, don't be late. See you then miss Adams." he said

He hung up and I was left there, confused. I put the phone back and went over to my computer and sat down and searched up what the hell I was going to get myself into.

"The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D., is an American extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security.
Founded in the wake of the Allied victory over the Axis powers and HYDRA in World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. was organized to protect the United States from all possible threats. With its advanced weapons and extraordinary agents, S.H.I.E.L.D. was maybe the greatest military power on Earth. Following his encounter with Captain Marvel, S.H.I.E.L.D. was run by Nick Fury and the World Security Council in the modern age, S.H.I.E.L.D. had to deal with the significant rise in enhanced individuals, dangerous advanced technology, and alien contact. But all the problems S.H.I.E.L.D. had to solve eventually led to the formation of the Avengers, a response team that was recruited to save the world during the alien invasion of Earth in 2012. The agency became publicly known after the Battle of New York, partially because of the Rising Tide website.
In 2014, through the actions of Black Widow and Nick Fury, the world became aware of the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated and largely controlled by HYDRA. After the battle in which S.H.I.E.L.D.'s primary headquarters, the Triskelion, was heavily damaged, all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s classified files were dumped on the Internet, and the agency was disavowed by the United States government and labeled a terrorist organization. Many S.H.I.E.L.D. officials were taken into custody and subjected to rigorous questioning. However, despite the massive manhunt on S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, a few operatives scattered across the world in most secret bases remained loyal to their oath, saving the most necessary paraphernalia for future use. But the team most responsible for the survival of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the team of Agent Phil Coulson, who valiantly led his teammates against the forces of HYDRA led by the traitors John Garrett and Grant Ward, winning the battle in which Garrett's plan ultimately failed. After that battle, Fury appointed Phil Coulson the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and tasked him with rebuilding the agency from scratch." I finished reading.
I leaned back on my chair. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, why did Mr.Stark want me in this for?

He is not my boyfriend Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now