Chapter 5

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I fell through the air. I turned and faced the ground below me. I quickly got my staff and started to extend it. It hit the floor and I spun down to the floor safely. I then looked up and saw Thor fly by with Loki under his arm.

"KID ARE YOU OKAY?!" I heard Tony yell from somewhere above me.


He flew by and I started running and jumped and expanded my staff and started swinging following him.
After a while of following I saw him speed up more, I tried moving faster. I started to dimly see two figures on a cliff. I assumed that it was Loki and Thor. It looked like they were arguing. Tony sped up even more and took Thor with him. I tried holding back my laughter. I came to the cliff where Loki was and I landed close to him.

"Well we will meet again." i said

"Who do you think you are." he said

"Well I think I am a person that is here to try and save people from your evil plots loki but I don't know? Who do you think i am." i asked and put a straight face

"Well aren't you a clever little girl." he said

"And aren't you a dick." i replied

He frowned and laughed at me, I wasn't quick enough to react and I was pinned down to the floor in less than two seconds. He leaned close to my face, and put his lips to my ear.

"Don't you ever speak like that, your beneath me i am superior." he whispered

"PFT YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME?" i yelled at him holding back my laugh

He got off me and grabbed the collar of my suite and sneered at me. He then proceeded to throw me off the cliff with incredible strength.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" i yelled as i fell through the trees

I managed to catch a glimpse of him waving and sitting down, I looked down to the ground and saw Tony and Thor that it looked like they were about to fight. As I got close I saw I was going to hit thor.

"WATCH OUT!" I yelled as i got closer to him

He looked up a little too late and I crashed into him. There was a big cloud of dust, I grunted as I sat up. I looked down and saw an angry Thor, he then threw me again to where Tony was. And landed flat on my back.


"Woohoo what happened to the quiet, shy Nex?" said tony

"Can it tin can." i snapped

He raised his hands and slowly put them back down. I shook my head and let out a huff. We both looked at Thor and he started charging at us. I started spinning my staff to avoid his punch and well it slowed him down not much but it did. He grabbed my staff and threw it to the side, I reached out my hand and it flew right back to my hands, as it hit Thor on top of the head. Tony then shot beams at him and they basically went one on one. I decided to look and see if they would need any help, I looked up at where Loki was. He was just looking and smirking about the whole thing. All of the sudden cap comes in and calms both the boys down. He hit them with his shield and it bounced off both of them and then back to cap. After they all calmed down, we proceeded to get back to the ship.

We arrived at one of S.H.I.E.L.D. ships and we got on, some guards took Loki away from us. Thor, Tony, Steve and I went to the security doom where Bruce and Natasha were through a monitor i saw Loki and Nick were talking.

"I don't think this cage was built for me."

"No it's built for something stronger than you, a beast."

He is not my boyfriend Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now