Luz just finished high-school and is off to college. The only issue is that she has a few rumors going around about her. With this, nobody wants to hangout with her, or be her friend etc. In fear that they'll get into bad habits like "she does." Whe...
It's my first day here at Hexside University and I already want to leave. People know me as the "girl who beat up a kid" or "a druggie" or some shit like that. It's so fucking stupid because FIRST of all, I only beat up a kid (ONCE I may add) because he was being a dick to other girls, including myself, and second of all, I have never in gaged in drugs or- fuckin gang activity or whatever. It's just rumors that people spread that I don't give a shit about fixing. So i have a pretty bad reputation, nobody wants to be my friend, bla bla. Sometimes, yeah, I do get a little lonely, but most of the time I don't really care..less drama and stress for me I guess. As I'm walking down the hallway to get to the dorm, I can literally hear the whispers and feel the stares of the other students around me. To be honest, it made me uncomfortable..I might've picked up the pace.
I get to my dorm room and place my stuff in what I'm guessing is my room. I'll unpack later, I'm too exhausted to care right now. I reach into one of my duffel bags and find my charger, and plug it into a nearby outlet. Good enough I guess. I leave my room, and take a seat on the couch that the school provides every dorm, and actually take the fuckin time to read the rules and what-not. It's just a white piece of printer paper with the basic shit like "no smoking" , "girls stay in the girls dorms, boys stay in the boys", etc. I'm in the middle of reading, when what I'm guessing is my roommate opens the door. I look over, and I think I held my breath. It was a girl my age, probably around 5'8 or something, with golden eyes and green hair, with brown roots. She wore a pink dress that went a little bit above her knees, with black stockings and pink slip ons to match the dress. She had a few piercings in her ears, and two bracelets on each arm with spikes going all around it, with a normal black choker. "Oh, uh hi! I'm L-" I say when I get cut off by her. "Save it. I already know who you are. Everyone does." She brings her stuff in and places it on the floor. "If I could switch dorms, I would. But unfortunately, I can't. Don't take this as an opportunity to get me to come smoke with you or some shit. Im not into that stuff." I give her a blank stare, a bit shocked to. "Uhm..wasn't planning on it." I awkwardly smile. Jeez, was this girl a douche to everybody? "So..If you already know my name, what's yours?" I ask. "It's Amity. Amity Blight." I nod slowly as a response. "That's a nice name I guess." "Whatever." And with that, she took her stuff to her room, and closed the door. Do I really have to spend the rest of my college years with this chick? She barely even knows me..well..the real me, and she's already being an ass. (a bit of a time skip because I ran out of things to say.)
Later in the afternoon, I decided I should probably get lunch. As I'm about to leave I wanted to ask my new roomie if she wanted anything. "Hey Blight girl!" I call out. I hear her door open and she comes out, looking frustrated. "One, don't call me that, two, what the hell do you want." I hold back a giggle. "Chill girl, I was just going to ask if you wanted anything from the cafeteria." She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "I don't want anything that comes from you Noceda." I shrug, "Could've just said no thank you or something but alright." I say, and then I leave.
Once I got to the cafeteria, I got a sandwich and some water and sat at a far back table alone. It's not like anybody would sit with me anyway. To avoid all the loud ass talking, I put in some earbuds and listen to music. I start eating when a group of girls walk past me, snickering and staring at me like I'm some kind of animal at a zoo. "You got a staring problem or something?" I ask the girls. One of them with pink hair pulled into a tight bun looks over at me with disgust. "Oh, no. We were just thinking about how you probably spiked that water. Can't even keep your hands off the alcohol during school pathetic." She snickers. I get visibly upset, roll my eyes, and try not to start stuff. "Whatever."I reply. They all laugh and walk off. People here are such dicks. After a few minutes, I finish eating and go back to the dorm. I see the Blight girl sitting on the couch. "Hey, I'm back." I say, clearly still a bit frustrated. "Cool. I don't really care." She replies. I come and sit farthest away from her on the couch.
"Did you eat yet?"
"Why do you care?"
"I just wanted to know if you ate. Sorry."
"Why? You gonna ask me to smoke a blunt or something? Maybe participate in gang activity perhaps? I'm good, thanks."
That kind of ticked me off, but I brushed it off quickly. Why can't she just be nice?
"Are you this salty to everybody or..." "Just douche bags like you, Noceda." "You know..I-" I say before I get cut off by Amity (again.) "OH MY GOD! NO! WHY WONT YOU JUST LEAVE ME BE? I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, YOUR DRUGS, OR YOUR STUPID PERSONALITY!" she yells.
Wow. That..kind of hurt. I stand in shock for a second, and swallow back some tears that start to creep their way into my eyes. "Uh..sorry...I guess.." I say, and get up to go to my room. I can feel she kind of regrets yelling at me like that, but she definitely meant what she said. I guess I'm just not meant to be friends with anybody after all. I sigh and take a seat on what's supposed to be my bed but is really a mattress right now. Maybe I should just unpack and decorate. It's not like I have any plans or anything.
(This is what her room looks like by the way!)
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