Trying To Have A Casual Life

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After realizing that I was isekai'd as Senti from Honkai Impact, I tried to make my powers appear.

"<Sigh> Finally..." I finally managed to make the greatsword appear, it took me 5 minutes but I finally did it. Next, the spear, the blade chains and the sword, ah~ it's going to take me some time.


20 minutes... 20 damn minutes, it was long but it was worth my time. Just need to train with all the weapons, I also need to see if I can create illusions, after all this is one of the most important techniques. It's going to be a long time...

"C'mon...Yatta!" Yes, I did it, it was easier than I thought. I can at least create 2, I'll train myself with those techniques later, now I need to see in which world I was isekai'd and find a city, I'm quite hungry and tired after training myself.

Timeskip brought to you by Senti saying "Yatta!"

It took me 1 hour... 1 hour to find a city named Tengu City, I'm not that good in geography but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist in the real world, if my memory is good enough , it's the same name in the anime Date A Live, I don't know that much about the Anime, I only watched 1st season and 2nd season.

I also got some weird look from the people, I can understand them, my outfit isn't the most normal in the world. I'm a little embarrassed because I'm not used to have so much people looking at me, guess I will have to buy more casual outfit.

I'm lucky because when I was isekai'd, it seems I had the money with me, how lucky I am, let's go do some shopping then! As I enter in the shop, I was greeted by a few employees, at the beginning I received some weird looks.

One of the employees asked me where did I come from and tell him I came from China, luckily he didn't ask more questions. I was a little embarrassed since I was in a shop with only female outfit, I'm still a boy mentally.

I found a good outfit for me, it was long black jacket with a white T-shirt and red and black shorts, black high socks and black shoes.

(Image for reference, I do not own the drawing, I found it on Reddit

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(Image for reference, I do not own the drawing, I found it on Reddit. She got the drip ngl.)

"It's really good... I like it!" I was happy with this outfit, not too feminine perfect for Senti- I mean me but I looked behind me I saw someone I prefer I didn't want to meet now, it was...

"Kurumi..." I whispered as I was trying to hide my shocked face but it seems she heard it.
"Yes? Do I know you?" When she locked eyes with mine, I was immediately scared as I looked away after.

"Ahah... No, sorry I thought you were someone I knew but no, I'm sorry if I've bothered you..." I lied as I quickly went to see the cashier and directly paid, I quickly looked behind myself and saw she was with someone else, she was with Shido... "Thank you for coming in our shop! Hope to see you again!" The cashier said as I quickly nod and walked really fast to the exit.

"Gotta go fast!" I said as I runned really, woooh! I'm really fast "Ahahahahahah!"
I laughed while I was running.

3rd PoV. Location : Ratatoskr,Fraxinus.

"Commander! Did you see that long gray haired girl?" Someone said to the Commander who is Kotori Itsuka, little sister of Shido Itsuka, wait a sec... How the heck does a little girl like her can be a commander?

Author: Don't ask how, anime logic.

Okay...Anyway...Kotori answered by saying to her coworkers.
"I did, she have really high Reiryoku energy, even more than Nightmare! How didn't we detect her before!?" She asked to herself, she communicated with Shido telling him to be careful about the new spirit codenamed "Herrscher", why? The author got lazy okay?

Back with Senti...

Gosh, I'm lucky... I hope she won't try to find me, I'm not ready to fight someone yet. Even though, I'm pretty sure lore wise Senti could be powerful, meh I don't know I'm not the best when it come to lore... Anyway, I am really hungry as I didn't eat anything...I really need to find a place where I can live and eat, why didn't I have that from the start?!

"<Sigh heavily> It's starting to become annoying..." I said, completely tired by everything. "I need to make a point, it seems that I am in the world of Date A Live and reincarnated as Senti. I can't use all her techniques as I need to do more training to exploit everything at full Power. I also briefly met Shido and Kurumi, thankfully they didn't follow me." I said trying to summarize everything that happened to me.

I also need to go to school, like this I can follow the main plot of the story and continue studying even though I hate school, I need to.

"Now I need to care about so much things...this is what they meant by having responsibility." I said as I sighed. "Let's go then." I'll use the greatsword as some kind of skateboard to move quickly."Hehe, we'll have some fun with it." As I jump on it and when it started to levitate, I quickly went to Raizen High School, trying to not get a lot of attention. The greatsword disappeared as quick as possible, and I went to see the principal to join the school as a transfer student, how did I manage to join the school, well look at this.

Flash-back ! :

"Hello, sir!" I greeted the principal happily, what I meant was pointing my spear in front of him. "Can I please join the school? I promise I won't do bad things! Pinky promise!" I said as I hold out my pinky in front of him. He was really scared but he still show his pinky as we cross our pinky together. "Yay! If you say what you saw today, I'll cut off your pinky and if I do any trouble then you cut off mine okay?" I said as I was really happy that he accepted, even though if he refused the I would have "to put him to sleep", right he was so shocked that he passed out after our pinky promise.

End of the flashback :

"I swear if he says anything, I won't cut off his pinky but I will cut his head off, plus he was already scared when I showed up. What a weakling..." I said, wait... it seems that my personality is changing, when I am scared, it's my own personality but when I'm cocky and childish , it's Senti's personality...Meh, I don't really care about that right now... Next day, school or also called Hell on earth.

(End of the chapter, Yay! I'm happy right now. See you next chapter and have a nice day!)

(1189 words)

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