A Deal

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3rd PoV :

It is the return of your narrator, my job is to tell you the story. I just have to read the script sent by the author.
Let's start! So, where were we last time... Ah! Yes, a fight between Nightmare and Herrscher.

The two stared at each other, one was getting impatient while the other waited for her enemy to make a move. You can already guess who started to throw a sword immediately at her enemy who perfectly dodged it.

Our protagonist did not wanted to admit it but her lips were trembling. She may have extreme confidence in her abilities but if she failed to do a single move then she'll have more than just bruises all over her body so this time, it was the moment to go all out. Use all her artillery at her disposition and maybe break boundaries.

After the perfect dodge of the clone of Kurumi, she immediately started to shoot at Senti who managed to block and dodge most of them. She had luck to fight a clone since they cannot use Zafkiel, but if there's a clone then the original is nearby.

This is maybe a distraction so she can try to consume Shido. She thought but then immediately focused on the battle.
"Tch." She was obviously annoyed by that, she now not only needed to protect herself but Shido too. Taking a recently formed sword in her hand, she rushed with great speed to the clone.

Swinging the sword near the head, trying to behead to which the clone managed to block at the last moment. But it wasn't the only thing that also tried to behead her, an illusion of Senti rushed 3 seconds after the first blow. Unfortunately, the clone saw it coming and shot the illusion. Senti was somehow shocked by the high reaction speed the clone had but since the illusion got quickly eliminated, red feathers started to float in the air.

Senti footsweeped the clone, formed her spear and planted it immediately in the stomach of the clone, then the feathers transformed into sword. She moved her hand and gave a thumbs down, letting the all the swords pierce the clone. Senti was right now in state of "How the fuck did I managed to do that!?", an understandable state after all. She won against a clone of Nightmare, it's not as impressive as beating the real one but still it's an accomplishment nonetheless. Give her some credits everyone!

Although, Shido -who watched everything from the background- had his mouth open, from pure shock and fear for what happened. Blood was all over the place, it was really brutal all those swords immediately piercing her. He thought it was the real Kurumi until he saw another one coming from the shadows. "Finally! The real one is here. I started to be bored fighting that clone."
He heard Senti says, still shocked by how she seem unfazed fighting a spirit as strong as Kurumi. He started to believe in her over the top abilities though he could feel something was off from Senti. He can't explain why but still.

"Soooo, why are you trying to kill me Kurumi? Am I threat to your plans?" Senti mocked with a smirk, she tried to hide that sensation of fear. But it didn't fool Nightmare, not to say it in a cliché way but the sweating on her forehead wasn't from the fight with the clone.
Nightmare saw how unfazed Senti mostly was during that fight but she started to sweat when she saw the true Kurumi. She only scoffed, knowing that Senti is scared and she'll use that knowledge to her advantage.

'Guess I'll rely to my instincts…I should have trained with my powers before.' Senti thought while having a sad face, sweat on her forehead. 'Or I could flee but that would let Shido alone and knowing her plan then I can't do that.'
She also knew the AST will come in some minutes if she don't finish this quickly.

'I don't even know how to use my Herrscher power completely, only my weapons and Fu Hua's power engraved in my mind. I could use Edge Of Taixuan…No, too powerful and destructive. Fenghuang down is essentially the same but weaker than my Herrscher powers…'

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