Shido's Questions

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PoV Change : Shido

I was trying to catch up with Hua, seriously how fast is she?! I'm lucky because she stopped running and waited for me... "How <pant>are you <pant>so fast...?" I said while I was panting a lot. "Pure training my dear. Really ought à some cardio." She said as she laughed. I looked at her and she had a smirk on her face... Oh god... The smirk quickly disappeared on her face as she asked me a question. "So I didn't catch your full name. What is it?" "Shido, it seems she like people that praises her. Choose the 2nd option." My sister said though the earpiece. "Um... My name is Shido Itsuka and I'm really really happy to meet the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world!" I said as the answer I got was an awkward silence




"Ahaha... AHAHAHAHAH !" She laughed...was she mocking me...? "Ahah... Oh my god and here I thought no one would say that in my life... Well thank you but I already know that, you must have a lot of questions you didn't want to say in front of everyone right?" She asked me with a little smile.

"Um... Kotori? What do I say?" I whispered to Kotori as she said. "Ask her why did she join the school and how." "Can I ask you why did you join our school?" "Why is that question? Am I not allowed to join?" She asked me as she pouted. "Well...because you know, a lot of spatial quake happened lately so you could be in danger." I answered and it seems she doesn't really believe me...

"Did you forgot what I said before, I'm the strongest person alive! Maybe they are spirits but I am WAY stronger than them." She said with pure confidence. "But if you get hurt..." "HA! As if I could get hurt, are you deaf or something? I said I am the strongest!" She cut me directly. "Well, can you at least tell me how did you join our school?" I asked her, hoping she would answer this question.

"Oh... It's a little complicated...I'll tell you how but don't tell anyone else 'kay?"
"Yeah, don't worry I won't anyone." I said.
"Well then, I will show you something." She said as a spear appeared in her hand and she pointed it at me. "Are you scared? I'm a... spirit.Meh, I don't care."
She said as she glared at me.

PoV Change : Senti

I hope he won't detect my acting, thanks to the acting club in my school and my good abilities at lying, it's impossible he don't believe me. "No, I'm not scared of you or anything." As expected, this guy really want to save spirits eh? "Hm, yes... I like that! Good then, finally someone that is not scared of what I am! So what are you gonna do right now?" I asked knowing that he would try to date me.

"I want to know you better...and save you!" He said confidently. "Save me? Of what exactly?" I asked him, as if I would let him seal me, I like those powers!
"I want to save you from getting hurt and let you live like a normal girl!"

"What are you going to do to save me huh? Date me or something?" I asked him how would he save me, obviously knowing the answer "Wait, how did you know that I need to date you?" He asked me, completely confused. "HA! I'm so clever, you know what? We'll have a date." Let's do some little trolling. "Huh?
Wait when?" He asked me as I answer. "In a week or 2, I dunno... " I responded clearly showing that I did not care when the date would be. "See ya after class

Timeskip to the end of day:

It was finally the end of school, as I was walking to the gate, Shido stopped me... I guess it's for when the date would happen. But as he was going to say when I heard something. It must that little stalker of Shido, Origami was it? She'll try to kill me huh? We'll have some fun...

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