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Yeah yeah I know, another filler chapter but I make those so I can develop the mc personality.

Then we go back to the main plot where the next spirit is Miku Izayoi. God, that's going to be a hard one ahah.

Senti P.o.V

<1st substory : Like A Maid part 1>

"Ehhhhhhh?" I exclaimed, a maid café ? What the hell?! I thought it was a simple job as a waitress!

"But first, I'll introduce myself! I am the faithful, loyal servant to you! The maids! My name is… Ryuji Makoto!" He said with excitement, doing some kind of weird introduction. My face had a puzzled expression until I question him.

"Wait! It doesn't make sense! Maids are servant, not the other way around!" My face only showed confusion, what kind of mess I'm in right now?

"You'll understand in a few minutes! Don't worry, now come on, I'll show you around!"

King Crimson!

I looked at myself in the mirror with an embarrassed face, he created a perfect maid outfit for me and I was really embarrassed to when he took my measurements for the outfit, I thought he was a complete pervert and punched him in the face.

He begged me to have my measurements and I gave up on trying to stop him.

When he took my measurements, he had a very serious. He didn't care about my body or anything, just wanted to create the perfect outfit.

And now when I look myself in the mirror with it, I just look beautiful…

I twirled on my heels and did a cute pose and I felt my masculinity disappeared in a second…

I need to get used to this I guess…


"…?" I looked behind me and saw Ryuji with his camera out and saw him took more photos before running…

"Ryujiiiii!! COME HERE!" I ran out the changing room and rushed down only for me to fall down the stairs. I got up, bruised up a little and and continue to look for him.

"Don't hide from me! Give me the camera and I'll make sure that I don't punch you in the face." He didn't said anything and I only tightened the gloves I had.

I was ready to destroy everything on my path until he got out of hiding, he had a sad look on his face as I only approached.

He gave me the camera and I looked at the photos he took from me. 4 photos were taken and each one were just… so cute! I'm so cute in them, oh my god!
I blushed heavily not from embarrassment but by pure love of myself.

"Uh, I didn't even asked for your name! I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry but what is it?" Ryuji asked and I was hesitant to say Hua, I should just have a different name now or it's gonna be confusing by the time.

"Shiki. That's all you need to know." I answered giving the japanese name of Senti, it's my… new name from now on.

"Shiki? Consciousness in other terms, it fits you." He said and I only dismissed what he said, I didn't really care honestly.

"By the way, keep the photos and use them as a way to attract clients. You want to be the best maid café of Tengu right? Then I'll help you with the advertisement and everything." He only nodded happily and took the camera from my hand, I sighed and waited.

This guy is the manager, the cook and the designer? He'll need more employees right now! Or else it's gonna be our downfall in only a month! He came back with printed photos of myself and he edited them so they look like ads.

Reincarnated as Senti in Date A Live ? Where stories live. Discover now