Trip To Arubi Island

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Senti PoV :

It was 3 a.m and I woke up for one thing only, it was for the School Trip and I forgot to prepare everything for it. So I thought, how about I steal everything since I can be invisible. And this is what I did, I broke through every market possible and took everything I needed, the camera perhaps saw me but my outfit was a discreet one. I continued to do 'till 6 a.m.

"I'm home!" I said as I opened and threw everything I bought. "Where were you?" I heard Fu Hua said from the kitchen, she was inspecting the fridge and she saw that the fridge only had milk. "I went to buy some milk and food." I said as I showed at least 5-6 bags completely full.

"Wow... That's a lot." She said astonished at everything I bought. "Yeah, I know... Since I bought everything, you should store everything to where they should to be." I said with a smug smile as she sighed, I guess she excepted that I'll say this.

Timeskip :

I was at school while Fu Hua was still at home, why? Because, she doesn't want to be a class monitor again for a class, I can understand. Kiana was troublesome even for Fu Hua, plus I didn't wanted her to meet Shido because he'll try to date her and since she 50 000 years old, it could be very very weird.

Anyway, I was sleeping on my table while the class was talking about the school trip, also Tohka wanted to become a boy to sleep with Shido but Origami said if Tohka's a boy then Shido should be girl. HA! He will become a girl later but not now.


"Sorry!" I smiled awkwardly as I get out of the class to answer her call. "Yes?" I said through the phone. "I put your luggage in front of the gate, come get it." She replied as I hummed in response.

I jumped through the window and runned to the gate, I saw Fu Hua leaning on the wall. "Thank you!" She slapped my face immediately. "Hey!? Why did you do this?!" I yelled at her as she glared at me. "Don't jump through the window again, you idiot!" She scolded as she pinched my ear.

"Okay! Okay...! I understood! Stop this!" I ordered her. "Okay, okay, I'll stop." She patted my head as I felt a strange feeling. I got her hand off my head as she walk away, She waved goodbye at me. "See ya and be careful!" She said as I waved a little holding my right cheek with my right hand and took my luggage with my left.

I walked to the class slowly, we're going to meet the Yamai sisters during this school trip...

3rd PoV :

We could see a white haired male sitting in his chair looking through his big window, acting like an evil antagonist that'll do evil things like... inversing spirits.
His name was Isaac Westcott, CEO of Deus Ex Machina, DEM for short.

On his right, we could see a woman who look young but she is actually old, she's 47 years old. She have pale blonde hair and purple eyes, her name's Ellen Mira Mathers. The World's Strongest Wizard.

"Do we have new information about <Herrscher> ? Isaac asked Ellen to which she nodded and said. "Tobiichi Origami fought again with her, even though she had White Licorice. <Herrscher> dominated her without any problems. <Herrscher> didn't even use her Astral Dress to beat her." Ellen reported the fight between Senti and Origami.

Isaac smirked a little, for him this new spirit could be an interesting one. "We should keep an eye on it..." He said as Ellen nodded in agreement.

The next day... Timeskip :

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