School Or "Hell"...

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Pov: Senti

A new day begins and it's not the best, why? Because already I wake up and it's the worst thing ever but in addition it's a school day. So that means I need to do the 2nd worst thing ever...


Please calm down everyone, I know it's the scariest thing ever for us introverts but we need to have confidence in ourselves and belive we can do it.

Anyways, let's start this morning by taking my breakfast and start to change myself. I'll have to wear a skirt... Like I said before I'm maybe a girl but it doesn't change the fact that I am a boy in the inside.

I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, take a shower and change myself with the Raizen High School female uniform.

Oh wait, wanna know how I got my new house, no need to explain how no know what I'll explain, long story short, remember the principal... Well I did the same thing with the owner of this house except that I killed the owner, why? I heard he killed a cat so we played a game of tag and the one who get caught die... Simple rule right?

Anyway, let's go to scho- I mean hell.
It's not that far from my new house, I could take a taxi but I need to do some sport.


Here I am in front of Raizen High School...

Well I hope it isn't as big as U

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Well I hope it isn't as big as U.A or something, I'll have to ask someone to make me visit the school. As I looked at my right I saw the principal and waved at him. "Sir! Please come here! " I asked him politely as he walk to me sweating bullets, I wonder why... "Can you show me where my class is please?" I asked him and he nodded really fast. Every students looked and I even heard someone said if I was the daughter of the principal I scoffed immediately, as if I would be the daughter of a weakling...

He said to me that my class is 2-4...same class as Shido huh? Not a big problem, the principal quickly went in the class and said to the teacher that a new transfer student will come in the class, the teacher asked why he was sweating so much and he looked behind himself, he saw me glaring at him with a smile that clearly says "say anything and you'll die instantly" he understood the message and said to the teacher that it was nothing.

"What is the problem with him, anyway, silence class!" The teacher known as Tamae Okamine ordered the class to shut up. "We'll have a new transfer student coming from China so please, welcome her well! You can come in!" She said through the door, I waited a bit for the suspense and after...

"WHAT-HO YOU LOT!" I said as I break the door down with a lot of power, the door was sent flying immediately and flied through the window. "Don't worry, I'll fix the door later." Everyone was shocked to see someone break the door especially if it's a new student but who cares, like I said I'll repair it later.

Tamae wanted to quit her job right now but she need to find love before. "Can you please introduce yourself...?" The teacher asked already tired but she'll be way more tired because of me.

"Ha! You don't know me? I'm Hua... The most beautiful and powerful woman in the universe!"




Pure silence, no reaction... Why aren't they happy to meet me?! "Hey, why the heck there is no reaction?! Are you all so shocked to meet me?" Yeah that's must be the answer, they are flabbergasted by my beauty huh?

"Any questions to ask for Hua...?" The teacher asked already tired by my weird antics, not really my fault if she doesn't like me. Obviously they have some questions to ask, someone with purple hair raises her hand, I believe her name is Tohka Yatogami. "Yes you, with the purple hair, what's your question?" "Do you like bread?"... I mean yeah I like bread but that's a weird question to ask to a new student... "Well yeah I like bread, any type of bread!" Tohka smiled when I said that, maybe we could be friends... I smiled at that thought.

"No more questions? Perfect! Where do I sit?" I asked the teacher. "Here, in front of Shido. Can you raise please your hand Shido?" I'm not the luckiest guy alive to be in front of Shide eh? Not that I care, as if I could be in love with a man... Still a guy in the inside.

PoV Change : Shido Itsuka

"Shido! Do you see this! It's her, <Herrscher> !" My little sister, Kotori said through the earpiece as I whisper. "So her name is Hua..." "You'll have to date her, you know? You want to save spirits right?" Kotori asked and I obviously said yes. As I said that, Hua locked her eyes with mines and smiled at me while looking away.

"So your name is Shido right?" She said as I nodded. "Could you show me around school?" She asked still with a smile, I was a little afraid, I mean she broke the door and act like it was nothing. "Y-yes, I can show you around."

"Perfect then! Pick me up at the end of class okay?" I quickly nodded as she sits in front of me. "Perfect! You could show her around the school and try to know more things about her, plus her happiness meter is a little high, we're lucky right now!" Kotori said through the earpiece, if she's happy because she broke the door then I am a little scared...

Timeskip + PoV Change : Senti

Class finally finished, it was so boring as expected. Right now it's the break and then we'll have sport, cool ! Why ? Because with my new body I'm way more athletic than before and I will dominate every sport no matter how hard it is.

Before I got out of the classroom, Shido approached me. Right... I forgor about that, he need to show me around the school. "Ready to go?" He asked me with a smile, at least he is a lovable protagonist even though he have an harem with a loli... Ew... but it is way better than Issei and his perverted nature. "Yeah. Let's go!" I said as I run. "Hey! Wait!" He shouted trying to catch up with me as I laughed. "Try to catch me then! Ahahahahah!"

(End of the chapter! Yay! So I am trying to make the MC be friend with Shido, something that I don't see very much,so here is the end. See you never! Have a nice day and also take this piece of cake.)

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