A Bat In Ua

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It’s been a week since Izuku left the yagi household. Over the week Izuku kept getting phone calls from his family and his former friends but he never answers any of their calls. Izuku is currently getting ready to leave the penthouse and go to the batcave before heading to the entrance exam. But before he could leave the door ace sat in front of the door. 

Izuku: "what's up buddy everything ok"

Ace just barks at him

Izuku: "do you want to come with"

He just laughs before they leave for the cave. When they got to the cave they saw Bruce on the computer.

Izuku: “morning”

Bruce: “what are you doing here should you be at ua”

Izuku: “the exam is in a couple of hours so i thought i would get a little bit more training in before i go to the exam”

Bruce: “do you know what you’re bringing with you in the exam”

Izuku: “i was thinking some shuriken, a grapple gun and maybe some bombs”

Bruce: “good choice”

Izuku started training till it was time for him to go to the entrance exam. Before he left the cave Bruce stopped him.

Bruce: “before you go you should take this”

Bruce hands him a utility belt and escrima sticks.

Bruce: “These should help when it comes to close combat" 

Izuku: “thanks i promise i'll do my best to pass”

Izuku takes the sticks before trying to walk out of the cave only for ace to walk with him.

Bruce: “looks like someone wants to go with you”

Izuku: “sorry ace i have to go and you can’t come with”

Ace just barks at him. Izuku tries to walk off before ace walks with him

Bruce: “i don't think he’s taking a no for an answer”

Izuku: “*sigh* you’re not going to let me go on my own”

Ace barks before they start walking to ua

At the Ua entrance

As soon as Izuku and Ace reach ua everybody starts to stare at them. He could hear some of them muttering about him.

Random person 1: “why does that green haired guy have a dog with him”

Random person 2: “i don't know but his dog looks adorable”

Random person 3: “yeah but why does he have the dog with him does it have to do with his quirk or something” 

Most of the girls wanted to pet Ace while the boy's were wondering what his quirk was. Izuku was walking further into ua until three people he didn't want to see again spotted him. As soon as Izumi and her friends saw him they began to run up to him. but before they could get close to him a voice was heard calling to Izuku when they looked they saw Uraraka running towards him.

Uraraka: "There you are Izu and it looks like you brought my favorite puppydog with you"

When Ace saw Uraraka he ran up to her. only for her to start petting him until he was on his back getting his belly rubbed.

Izuku: "now i know why he wanted to come so badly he wanted to see you"

Uraraka: "aww is someone jealous"

Izuku: "im not jealous"  

Uraraka: "sure your not"

Izuku rolled his eyes.

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now