The offer part 2

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Izuku was with Bruce in the batcave looking over the footage of warhawk’s death captured from the batmobile.

Izuku: “what are you expecting to find”

Bruce: “if i knew i wouldn't have to look for it”

Izuku looks at the computer watching as Warhawk was consumed by the explosion before his helmet flies at the camera. Before it could hit the camera the video freezes and rewinds before being replayed.

Izuku: “he never stood a chance it must have had a timer or something”

Bruce: “maybe”

Bruce paused the video before reversing it back to the beginning before playing it again one frame per second stop at the exact second the missile exploded. As soon as he finds the frame he starts going through filters until he finds one that shows a clear line hitting the missile

Bruce: “look at that”

Izuku: “so the missile was detonated from a remote position by some kind of ray”

Bruce: “it was seem so”

Izuku: “but by who?”

Bruce shifts the view of the camera seeing the ray coming from a building in the distance as they zoom in they saw the ray was coming from superman. A look of shock and horror came across Izuku’s face

Izuku: “Superman!?!”

Without hesitation Izuku pulled his mask back on before heading towards the batmobile. Bruce stopped him before he could get close to the batmobile.

Bruce: “where are you going?”

Batman: “I have to get back to the tower. I have to worn them”

Bruce: “you have to do more than that”

Without another word said bruce pressed a button under the computer causing the suitcase’s to open revealing a supposedly empty room as bruce enters he stands near the center of the room only for two metal pillars to rise from the ground as the pillars stopped bruce placed one hands on each pillars bruce's hands where being scanned a secondary scanning device came out of the floor scanning bruce’s body. As soon as the scanning was complete both forms of scanning were lowered back into the ground while simultaneously a circular latch opened as a large metal cylinder rose from the ground in front of them. As it opened it was revealed to be containing a small metal box.

Bruce: “this isn’t the first time superman’s gone rouge”

Bruce takes the box before walking up to Izuku

Bruce: “so i made sure i would be ready if it ever happened again…i always hoped i would never have to use it”

Bruce opened the the box revealing a glowing green rock

Batman: “kryptonite…this..this could kill him right?”

Bruce: “do whatever it takes”

Izuku takes the piece of kryptonite before placing it in a compartment in his utility belt

Bruce: “but make sure you stop him”

With Kai-Ro

Kai-ro was currently meditating trying to process the death of warhawk. He was only pulled out of his meditation when superman approached him standing near him not saying anything

Kai-ro: “is there something i can do for you superman”

Superman: “i need you to come with me”

Kai-ro: “did you figure out who killed warhawk”

Superman: “yes now come with me”

Without waiting for a response, Superman turned and walked out of the room. Kai-ro followed behind until they stopped outside the cantonment and research center. Superman stood there waiting for kai-ro to enter the room

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now