The Beginning Of The End

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Izuku was pushed on the side of a building watching down to an alley after a couple minutes a truck drove up to the alley he continued watching as three  men got out holding guns. While he watched the men stand at the back of the truck waiting for the buyers he gets a phone call from Uraraka feeling he has time he answers it

Batman: “hey”

Uraraka: “hey where are you?”

Batman: “just out on a stake out”

Uraraka: “anything interesting?”

Batman: “not really just some weapon deal how have you been? How was the work study?”

Uraraka: “great we had a day at the beach before stopping some villains”

Batman: “sounds fun”

Uraraka: “it really was how do you think Eri and Kota are doing”

Batman: “i mean Kota is grounded for not doing his homework and Eri is with your parents so she’s being spoiled rotten”

Uraraka: “i swear if they gave her to much candy i'm going to kill them”

Batman: “y-yeah”

Uraraka: “Izu what did you do?”

Batman: “it was just one candy apple and she really wanted one”

Uraraka: “you can fight villains and armed goons without flinching but you can’t say no to our Daughter”

Batman: “hey those villains and goons never gave me the puppy dog eyes”

Uraraka: “*sigh*how have you been anyway?”

Batman: “fine you know we managed to fix what powers broken company wise apart from that same old”

Uraraka: “you have been sleeping properly haven't you”

Batman: “yeah of course”

Uraraka: “you know when i mean sleeping properly i don’t mean sleeping four hours and then a mountain of coffee”

Batman: “well Umm”

Uraraka: “ok when i get back me Eri and Kota are covering patrol and you are going to bed”

Batman: “but~”

Uraraka: “no but’s you have to be exhausted you need sleep”

Batman: “your not going to let up until i get eight hour are you”

Uraraka: “not a chance”

Before Izuku could say anything a car pulls up in front of the men as the car stops two men get out and walk up to the three men 

Batman: “sorry Ochaco looks like i have to go”

Uraraka: “buyers arrived?”

Batman: “yep”

Uraraka: “alright i’ll let you go but we’re not done here”

Batman: “copy that”

Uraraka: “love you”

Batman: “love you too”

Once he hangs up he jumps from his perch gliding towards the group as soon as he gets close to them he throws two bolas at two of the men near the truck tying them and knocking them to the ground. Almost immediately the other three men start firing at Izuku. He dodged and weaved out of the way of the gun fire as he got over them he stopped gliding and kicked two of them men in the head knocking them back to the floor and knocking them out. Leaving one man standing, the man continues firing at him, making Izuku dive for cover near one of the men tied up on the floor. As he was behind the cover the man spoke to him

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now