No More Hiding

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Izuku continued running from building to building until he reached the edge of the city. As he stops at the edge of the building her looked out to a forest seeing the fireworks coming from without hesitation he jumped off the building he spread his cape the cape managed to hold out long though for him to land on the ground before sprinting into the forest as he ran past the trees branches snapping under his feet. As he ran he felt eye on him suddenly he stopped as he approached a broken and run down mansion he spotted a machine firing the fireworks into the air. He walked up to the machine and pulled a cable out of the machine causing it to stop. Once it stopped he walked over to the front door of the mansion once he was close enough he kicked both the door’s down before making his way in. He looked round the main room finding two objects covered by a tarp and a TV in the center of the room. He approached the objects only for the doors to the mansion to close on their own, catching his attention before he could do anything the TV came to life showing the Joker blowing a party horn before throwing it behind him.

Batman: “where’s Robin”

Joker: “Robin?...Robin?...Robin! ah now i remember where i put him”

Joker presses something in front of him as he does the two tarps fell revealing two glass containers, one holding Kota still in his Robin suit lying on the ground. Once Izuku saw him he immediately ran up to the container trying to get it open he started punching it as hard as he could only for it to do nothing but wake Kota up. As Kota looked up towards Izuku

Robin: “Batman w-what’s going on?”

Batman: “Robin are you ok are you hurt?”

Joker: “hes fine Bat fake not a hair hut on his head i just wanted him to get you where i want you beaten tired and alone”

Izuku grit his teeth before getting closer to the TV

Batman: “what do you want!?!”

Joker: “i want Batman’s real sidekick…you”

Batman: “fine you can have me but you are letting him go”

Joker: “whatever you say Bat fake”

He presses another button in front of him causing the second empty container to open

Joker: “now get in”

Izuku clenched his fists before walking into the container

Robin: “NO!! Batman stop don’t!!”

Without listening Izuku fully stepped into the container immediately it closed and sealed trapping Izuku in there

Batman: “ok you’ve got me NOW LET HIM GO!!”

Joker let out a sickening smile before pressing another button. Kota’s container opened, releasing him. As soon as Kota got out he ran to Izuku’s container trying to open it he pulled out his escrima sticks attaching them together into a bo staff before repeatedly swinging it at the container.

Batman: “Robin…Robin…ROBIN!! STOP!! you cant get me out of here you're free now leave get back to your Aunt she needs you”

Robin: “you need me”

Batman: “not right now so go”

Robin: “but~”

Before he could finish vents on top of the container opens releasing sleeping gas into the container, Izuku tries to hold his breath only to end up breathing some of it as the gas starts taking hold. Izuku ends up leaning on the glass looking at Kota.

Batman: “RUN!! NOW!!”

Kota hesitated for a second before running out of the mansion. Izuku watches as Kota rockets off heading away from the Mansion. Izuku lets out a small smile before fully succumbing to the gas passing out. Once he was fully out the container stopped spilling gas once the gas fully dispersed it opened as a figure grabbed Izuku pulling him out of the container before walking off with him.

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now