The ghost of a machine part 1

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A couple days have passed since the incident with Shriek. Izuku had spent the time training kota; he had trained him to fight hand to hand with and without incorporating his quirk as well as with several weapons with kota taking a pacific liking to using escrima sticks. Currently they are having a light sparring session using escrima sticks. After a couple minutes of sparring they stopped Izuku throw’s kota a water bottle.

Izuku: “your doing good kid keep this up and might be just as good as batman”

Kota: “you think so”

Izuku: “yeah just keep training”

Before they could talk anymore Mandalay walks up to them.

Mandalay: “hey sorry to interrupt but me and kota should be getting back to our quarters before it gets to late”

Izuku: “yeah we're done for the day anyway plus i have some stuff i need to do anyway”

Mandalay gives him a slight nod before her and Kota go back to their quarter’s. As they left Izuku packed up everything before heading to his dorm to change into his suit for the night as he enters he walks to his room only to be Izumi walking in front of him

Izumi: “hey!!”

Izuku: “hi”

Izumi: “i just want to confirm if your coming to dad's retirement party”

Izuku: “oh yeah i forgot about that when is it again”

Izuku: (not like it matters i have enough to deal with)

Izumi: “well we’re meet at the front of UA at about 6 tomorrow morning”

Izuku: “sorry but i have some stuff i need to do for my Wayne”

Izumi: “really can't you ask for some time off?”

Izuku: “it’s important he needs me to be there”

Izumi: “you sure”

Izuku: “yeah sorry but i have to go i have some homework to do”

Izumi: “yeah ok i want keep you any longer…night”

Izuku: “night”

Izuku heads to his dorm changing into his suit before heading to the cave.

After a while

Izuku arrives at the cave finding Bruce at the computer looking over old footage of power’s. Currently he was looking over the news coverage of the splicing announcement

Izuku: “do you even know what you're looking for”

Bruce: “if i knew i wouldn't have to look”

Izuku: “fair i guess”

Izuku watches as Bruce pauses the video as Powers walks up to Cuvier wearing sunglasses. Bruce rewound the video before playing it again this time zooming it in and focusing it on powers as the video played both Bruce and Izuku saw the skin round powers eye’s start to crack and release a green glow. Bruce paused the video before he could put the sunglasses on.

Izuku: “what happened to his eyes”

Bruce: “i don’t know”

They both look at the screen for a couple seconds until a thought came to Izuku’s mind

Izuku: “what’s his quirk”

Bruce: “he can control nuclear energy why”

Izuku: “it’s just that it reminds me of how his hands glowed back at the wayne powers lab”

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