A Bat Rises

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It had been several hours since Izuku got the call from Izumi about their father. Currently he is sitting on the jet with Bruce heading back. As they were traveling Izuku remained silent looking out of the window this was until bruce broke the silent

Bruce: "are you alright"

Izuku: "yeah just thinking"

Bruce: "your father's going to be fine"

Izuku: "yeah...i know i act cold to him and act like i hate him but that doesn't mean i want him dead you know"

Bruce: "i know well be touching down in a bit you can head over to the hospital as soon as we get there by the time we get back the equipment you requested from David and Melissa should be at the cave"

Izuku: "yeah"

Meanwhile at the hosu cryogenics lab

An ordinary looking man with black hair walks down the hallway of the lab with his shoulders tucked in like he was trying to make himself smaller or unnoticeable.this was until he reached a door with the numbers 317 written on them. as the door opened he quickly walked in. As soon as he got in the room the lights came on. Revealing a giant Ice block in the middle of the room. The man walked up to the block wiping it down revealing Inque in her Inque form contained in the ice. The man walked over to the computer in the room and began typing his name on it revealing it to be Aaron Herbst as the man finished typing he started talking to Inque as if she could hear him.

Aaron: "he said no...he said no to the raise just like that"

He waved his arms in frustration before walking in front of her

Aaron: "told me what i do here isn't important enough...not important enough i'd like to see him talk to you like that way"

He walks back to the computer and starts readjusting the temperature in the room making sure the ice doesn't melt.

Aaron: "you'd never have to swallow any disrespect would you?"

He looks back at her before continuing

Aaron: "no not you and if you wanted something you just took it"

He stops what he is doing and walks back in front of her

Aaron: "but look at you now all you've got is me...any you're just about all i got thats why im staying here even if they don't pay me what im worth"

He places his hand on the ice just above her hand

Aaron: "you...you listen to me you're the only one who ever has"

Before he could continue his radio goes off he grabs it off his belt and holds it up to himself

Aaron: "yeah herbst"

Radio: "boss wants to talk to you Aaron now"

He places the radio back on his belt before doing anything

Aaron: "i wonder if he changed his mind maybe this will bring me luck"

He places a kiss the ice above where her lips would be before leaving the room as he leaves the room he heads to his boss's room. As soon as he entered the room he was told to sit down

Aaron: "have you maybe reconsidered giving me that raise"

Boss: "No...but there's something i would like you to watch"

The boss pulled up some security footage from his computer before turning it round and pressing play showing him everything he just said and did with Inque pausing it on when he kissed the ice

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now