Sound Off

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It's been two days since the USJ incident. Since that day Izuku has been trying to find the villain and thugs that had gotten away, currently he was driving over the city.

Batman: “do you have any ideas how to find that hand guy”

Bruce com: “i've looked over the usj security footage but there isn't much to go on”

Batman: “Really nothing?”

Bruce com: “the villain with the hand’s is the hardest to pin down”

Batman: “why?”

Bruce com: “there's nothing to pin down his identity since his face was covered and he never used his quirk we don’t have anything to go off”

Batman: “what about the hands could that be his quirk”

Bruce com: “nice idea but i looked into the quirk database and i couldn't find any quirk that gives its user hands all over his body”

Batman: “so we’ve hit a dead end”

Bruce com: “it would seem so be on the look out we don’t know where these people will show up again”

Before Izuku could respond he sees someone being robbed below him

Batman: “gotta go trouble i'll be back in contact when i deal with this”

Bruce com: “i'll keep looking see if i can dig anything up that might help us find them”

With that said Izuku jumps out of the batmobile and dove down to the 2 thugs as he gets close to them he kicks one of the thugs making him fly into a wall knocking him out before landing on ground. As he gets a better look he sees that they were some of the clown thugs that attacked the usj. Before he could say anything the thug takes a swing at him with a crowbar only for Izuku to catch it and flip the thug over his shoulder as soon as he lands on the ground Izuku puts his foot on his chest pinning him down. He then looked at the victim.

Batman: “you should go home”

Civilian: “y-yeah thank you”

They run off leaving Izuku alone with the thug who is trying to get up.

Batman: “you attacked the usj why?”

Thug: “you can't do this to us where the joker’s”

Izuku grabs him and shoves him against the wall

Batman: “i don’t care who you are you attacked the usj and i want to know why”

Thug: “i aint telling you anything”

Hearing this Izuku grabs him and grapples to the top of the building. When they made it to the top of the building he dropped him before grabbing his leg and dangling him off the  league. The thug starts to panic but tries not to show it.

Thug: “t-this doesn't s-scare me we all batman doesn't kill”

Batman: “i never said i was going to kill you from this height it would most likely break a couple bones maybe a concussion”

The thug then looked down at the ground before looking back at Izuku. The panic on his face gave Izuku all he needed to know he was ready to talk.

Batman: “Why did you attack the usj?”

Thug: “the boss told us to!!”

Batman: “the guy with all the hands who is he i want a name”

Thug: “him what no he's not our boss we were just working with him for the attack but thats all im telling you”

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now