• 𝐄xtra chapter

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Hands shoved deep in my pocket, I walked out through the sliding doors and embraced the warm evening breeze that caressed my skin

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Hands shoved deep in my pocket, I walked out through the sliding doors and embraced the warm evening breeze that caressed my skin.

Therapy sucked.

Swear to God, I'd honestly lost count of how many times I came so close to punching Doctor Phil right in the face. That annoying old prick fed off my frustrations and didn't pass up a chance to piss me off with his bogus evaluation. Albeit, after going back and forth with him and then finally opening up to him, I was cleared. I was better now, I managed my anger better and I didn't feel weak and uncomfortable opening up to the people I loved.

I wouldn't say I enjoyed the experience but it was worth it because I had a family now and I promised my wife I'd be better. I didn't ever want to hurt her again and I never wanted my son to look at me and wish I wasn't his father.

I knew firsthand what that felt like. It did crazy things to you and though my relationship with my dad was still complicated, we were getting somewhere. He called me more often now and sent postcards along with a lot of toys every month for Ryan.

Smiling to myself, I got into my car, pulled out of the driveway, and drove into the city limits.

With the soothing music airing out of the stereo, I relaxed into my seat and cruised up the free road whilst welcoming the rush of air that blasted my face and disheveled my hair. I couldn't wait to be home and with my family. These days, there was nothing I loved more than spending time with them; talking, laughing, and of course, having sex with Hope.

It was the highlight of my day; coming home to a mini version of myself and a beautiful wife who pleasured me until the stress of my day washed away with my orgasm—perfect.

The hospital was a thirty minutes drive from our new home. I took the shortest route and passed by Scott's house.

Much to my surprise, he was outside taking out the trash.

A few months after reconciling with his sister and getting served divorce papers by his wife who apparently knew nothing about Goldie and was shocked by his manifestations, he moved out of his house and rented this space.

Considering everything he did to us and how he almost cost me the safety of my family, I wanted to loathe him but losing Maria was enough torture. He'd learned his lesson the hard way. We'd all had.

I slowed the tracks of my car and wind down.

"Happy Birthday, asshole!" He yelled from his lawn, waving. "How's therapy going?"

He said that deliberately to mock me. Trying not to let him see me laugh, I yelled back. "Good! You should come, you need it!"

He laughed back. "Still up for game night?!

"You bet!"

"Get ready to have your ass wiped on the floor!"

"Not if I can help it!" Laughing, I stuck my fuck you finger out the window and continued to drive home.

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