• 𝐂hapter 1

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I'd never do it

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I'd never do it.

This wasn't me.

Nah, no, nada, nil, zilch. It couldn't be me. I was the responsible one. The one always prepared, always early and on time. On weekdays, I worked my butt off at the diner and on weekends I stayed huddled up in the book store down the block.

That right there was the full autobiography of my life. Pretty basic and plain, and I was the last person you'd expect to worry about an accidental pregnancy. So why the hell did I just spend a hundred bucks on a box of target-brand pregnancy tests?

Three words.

I. Fucked. Up.

Rewind two months back to Pampam's bachelorette party and my insistence on staying home because attending a cock fest and seeing a bunch of naked penises writhing at me wasn't exactly on my to-do list, but Lesley being the persistent friend she was, didn't take no for an answer.

"There aren't going to be naked cocks, Hope. It's a strip club, not pornhub." She reasoned, taking off my reading glasses. "Besides... It's not gonna hurt you to see some real-time peen."

And just like that, she'd dragged me out of the confines of my small condo, and made me put on a skimpy black dress that had me looking like Roxy the stripper.

Oops, sorry

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Oops, sorry. It's kind of blurry because we were all drunk out of our minds when Pampam took that photo. But my point is, Lesley had pushed me into the domain of ripped, defined men pole-dancing, hip-grinding, booty-shaking.

Give it a few drinks or two and I was tipsy-not drunk but not exactly sober either, and to worsen my situation, this stranger in a dark suit kept staring at me with intrigue.

He sat alone at the bar, and fuck, even if I held his gaze, he still looked at me, one eyebrow arched and the corner of his mouth lifting in a sexy smile.

I'd spare you the candid details but I'd be evil if I didn't point out how hot he was.

Jesus forgive me but this man was a walking sexual fantasy and I took pleasure in gawking at him. He was fit and toned and had a body made for sex. The kind that could turn an uptight girl like me into a moron.

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