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I come home from a long day of work completely exhausted and physically drained. Never again am i going to do a that many hours. I went into work at like 4 30am today to cover for a friend and now as I'm pulling up into the driveway, I look over to see that it's 7 43pm.

I sigh, switching off the car and hopping out. My keys jangle as I unlock the front door and step inside, closing it behind me. I shrug off my jacket and hang it up while kicking off my shoes.

God im totally worn. I can literally feel my body's lack of energy as I make my way into the kitchen and toss my keys onto the counter.

But then I'm taken back when I hear faint laughter coming from upstairs. My head turns towards the stairs as I hold my breath, silently waiting to see if I would hear it again.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. Probably the tire getting to me.


A familiar voice yells in between cries of laughter.


The other voice shouts as the other two giggle.

God they couldn't even text before letting themselves in...

I roll my eyes, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and tossing it down in one. I hadn't drank anything all day which is quite concerning. But I only had a 20 minute lunch break and forgot my water bottle so I didn't even have time to buy one.

I then proceed to make myself a PB&J, placing it on a plate and then making my way upstairs.

The shrieks of laughter get louder as I reach the top of the stairs, yawning as I approach my door.

With my free hand I open the door, to which the three faces shoot towards me.

"You know I didn't give you guys a spare key just so you could help yourselves in"

I completely disregard the fact that nick is stood at the end of my bed, holding a pillow over his shoulder while matt and chris lay in positions of defense with their arms shielding them.

"You didn't?" Chris mocks sarcastically, flinching as nick slams Matt in the head with the pillow.

"AH" Matt shrieks, repositioning himself so he's sat and holding the side of his head.

"Don't pretend like that hurt, you little bitch" Nick drops the pillow, snatching his phone out of Matt's hoodie pocket with anger.

I roll my eyes, placing my sandwich on my dressing table and pulling some sweats out of my wardrobe.

"I'm getting dressed" i state, making my way into my bathroom which is right beside my bed, and shutting the door behind me.

"Hey y/n so how was your day?" Chris asks.

"Terrible" I respond plainly, dropping my work shirt on the floor.

"What's wrong?" Matt follows.

"I went into work at 5am this morning to cover a shift for a friend and I'm beat. I've barely eaten or taken a break all day and I just want to sleep" I explain, throwing the hoodie over my head and pulling up my joggers.

"And you only just got home?!" I hear Nick question in shock.

I open the door, all of them turn to look at me.

"Yep" I sigh, tossing my work clothes into the laundry basket in the corner of my room.

"Here come sit next to me" Chris shuffles over while Matt moves to the bottom end of the bed leaning against the wall. Chris pats the free space next to him on his right.

I smile, walking over and sitting next to him. He immediately wraps his arm around me into a side hug, pulling me into his chest and rubbing my arm comfortingly. I rest my head against him with a tired smile on my face.

"Do you need anything?" Nick offers while he roams through my drawers for a chapstick.

"No Im okay, thanks Nick. I've got a sandwich"

I sit up and Chris removes his arm from around me as I reach for my sandwich.

"Which has been bitten..." I chuckle with furrowed eyebrows noticing a large bite mark in the sandwich. My head shoot's up, my eyes scanning the boys faces for a look of guilt.

"MATT YOU IDIOT!" Nick whacks the back of his head.

"Ow!" Matt rubs his head.

"The poor girl has barely eaten all day!" Nick states, holding his hand out in my direction.

"I'm sorry!"

Matt yells back, eyes wide as he throws his arms in the air like a child. Me and Chris laugh, watching the commotion in amusement.

"Apologise to y/n, right now!" Nick points to me, giving Matt a stern look.

"I'm sorry y/n..."

"It's okay Matt" I laugh, taking a bite of the sandwich.

"I promise I'll make it up to you" Matt adds with a smug smile, patting my ankle which makes me blush.

"Yeah, okay" I reply, eyeing him in disbelief.

Nick puts on a movie and the boys get comfortable on my bed while I finish off my sandwich. The movie we decided on was Coraline because it's my favourite film and the boys thought it best to cheer me up a bit. Although it wasn't the most cheerful movie in the world.

"God, this film is so disturbing" Chris whines, pulling out his phone and scrolling through Instagram.

I finish my sandwich and put my plate to the side.

"I'm so tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep" I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"Well come in between me and Matt if you're gonna sleep. I'm not going to let you fall off the edge of the bed"

Chris lifts the covers next to him, while Matt makes room for me.

"Matt back off you're literally on me" Nick groans, pushing him slightly.

I climb over Chris, squeezing into the small space between him and Matt. You'd think a king sized bed would be a clever purchase considering how often these boys invade my house and stay the night, but it never fully lives up to its name.

Chris moves over into my previous space, giving us a little more room to spread out.

"Night guys"

"Night y/n"


first chapter, hope you enjoyed x

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first chapter, hope you enjoyed x

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