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Thursday came around slowly, and over the past few days I had done nothing but look forward to it. I don't know if that's weird or anything, but to be honest, I couldn't care less. That day at the diner was the last time I saw Matt and over the past few days I've found myself start to feel something I don't usually feel. I guess you could say that I missed him..

But when Thursday finally comes around, my luck starts to kick in.

When I wake up, I open my eyes and look over to my clock, it was 11 in the morning. Despite the late hour, I still felt exhausted, like I could go straight back to sleep for a few more hours. I didn't even go to bed that late last night, what's going on?

My arms push me up so I was sat but I was taken back when my limbs begin to ache. And then I come to notice the sore pain in my throat and my runny nose.

"Oh fuck" I mumble to myself, rubbing my eyes and moving the hair out of my face. Out of all days, my body chooses this one to get ill.

I don't want to turn down Matt. What if he gets upset again?

I grab the glass of water on my bedside table, chugging the entire thing down in one to relieve the sting in my throat, though it doesn't help much. I sigh sadly, grabbing my phone and seeing two notifications from Matt.


you awake?

sorry i just woke up
i don't think i can make it today
ive got a really bad cold or something

that's okay

im so so sorry :(

don't worry about it
we can hang out some other time
i hope you feel better x

thanks matt x

I drop my phone in my lap and cross my arms in disappointment. Another sigh leaves my lips and I hug my knees to my chest, looking around at the mess of my room. My skin felt warm but inside I felt cold.

I really hope Matt isn't hurt by me having to turn him down. It's bad enough that he feels like we leave him out. And now I'm ill on the day we were supposed to go out together and it doesn't make things any better. If anything it's made things worse.

What if he thinks I'm making up an excuse because I don't want to spend time with him? Oh god, I feel terrible..

The emotion of guilt in my stomach made me nauseous and I couldn't stand the feeling. I bury myself in the sheets again so I could drown in my sorrow and go back to sleep.


A few hours pass and I'm awoken by a loud thud. My eyes shoot open and I sit up swiftly with a shriek.

My eyes rapidly scan the room until I spot Matt laying on the floor next to my open window, rolling onto his back.

"Ow" he groans, sitting up while holding his side.

"Matt what the fuck!" I yell, my voice cracking as I stare at him wide eyed.

"Oh hey" he smiles, pushing himself off the floor.

My eyes watch in shock as he walks over and sits on the edge of my bed. Meanwhile I have my hand on my heart, trying to catch my breath.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I rasp, realising that my voice was almost completely gone.

"You said you were sick. So I thought I'd come see if you were ok" he explains, crossing his legs and shuffling closer to me.

"You look tired" he says, eyes studying my face.

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